[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 53 points 8 months ago

Some of it's also probably situation based.

If you hit on every single person of the gender that you like at one gym, they'll probably start to feel like you really just want just anyone who will say yes. They'll probably feel like you don't like them for them, and that you're just trying to keep your bed warm. Most people who want relationships want to be with someone who likes them individually as a person. Try not to write "scripts" for the situation in your head too much, either. If you do, it might crash and burn the second that someone goes off of that "script".

It's kind of tragic how all of this has become. A relationship likely won't fix any problems you might have with yourself, nor would it fix most of the other aspects of your life. A partner will also have their own needs and wants, and you should try to have room to provide some of that before you start dating.

Don't listen to guys like Tate. If he really had good advice, more people from his fan base would be in a happy relationship now, no? He makes money by making you continue to watch his videos. That's all he cares about. He's giving you bad advice so he can keep making money off of your sadness. That's not a bro thing to do.

Don't follow the plot of any rom-coms. That behaviour is usually a fantastic way to get a restraining order and absolutely ruin any chances you might have had with that person.

Find the little things that make you happy. Gardening? MTG? Video games? Hockey? Drawing? MMA? Take the time to properly enjoy those things that you love with the people who are already around you. It will help build some of that confidence. Let youself be passionate about your hobbies sometimes. It's ok, I promise.

Try not to worry too much if you mess up or if you ruin your chances with one person. There are over 8 billion people on earth, so there's almost always someone else you can try with. NO ONE succeeds 100% of the time, and that is more than OK. That is human.

Don't beat yourself up over not succeeding right away. Unless you are literally currently on your death bed, you still have time.

Outside of the dating stuff, be kind to youself, and try to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Self care isn't just fitness and healthy eating. Sometimes could be having pizza in the bath, sometimes it might be playing DnD over multiple continents, sometimes it might be watching cartoons, and sometimes it could even be something like skincare. Your happiness is important, and you should treat it as such.

As long as it doesn't harm anyone else in the process, please do what you need to do to feel happy. Life is too short to pause your happiness for someone who hasn't shown up yet. Life is too short to wait to improve things until you meet someone who hasn't shown up yet.

You deserve happiness, and the sooner you acknowledge that, the better. Find happiness despite what life might throw at you. Try to find joy even in chaos, and always remember that bad feelings usually don't last forever. You can get through these hard times.


Does anyone know if it's concerning to find it inside of a warehouse?

It's more of a mom and pop warehouse, and the building was just bought last year. I've found posts saying that it's harmless, and posts saying that it's potentially damage. What are your thoughts?

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 77 points 9 months ago

Some of the people in that reddit thread are unreasonably angry that some people moved to Lemmy.

I'll never understand loving a company so much that anyone who doesn't like it is automatically deemed a bad person. Why is a stranger's choice of social media so personal to some of these people? Why are they so livid?

I'm not even going to quote the specific comments I'm referring to just in case I get banned. One of them was comparing the entire lemmyverse to the subreddits that were banned over explicitly only having content about hating strangers for existing.

I'm happy I left if that what I'm "missing out" on.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 27 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Part of me wants to be upset, but especially since these are clothing manufacturers, I have to wonder if the people handling the returns have the same problems that I did when I used to process them.

It was my first job out of highschool (through a temp agency), it was my first day, and I did some returns. You know, writing down what the products were, why they were returned, the order numbers yadda yadda.

Everything was cool until I got this package with a LOT of sharp pins in it saying "you obviously need needles to sew the clothes properly". There was only ONE thread loose, and this lady felt that making a complete stranger find sharp needles hidden in fabric was ok. Part of me hopes that that person finds the same kindness in life that they seem ok to give to strangers. Part of me wishes that it wasn't such a common thing.

Some returns had legitimate rotting garbage in them, and a lot of them were only worn once and then were returned because they "only needed it for party, need money back now". You can only see so much ridiculousness before you have enough, you know?

As a former employee, the fact that that company essentially paid for those needles and for the rotting garbage to be sent for other people to deal with was enough to make me quit. It's not worth my health, full stop. It never will be. That incident also made me lose a lot of faith in most of the general public. Part of me wishes that that particular person experiences the same level of "goodwill" that they give to others. I don't like wishing ill on peopld, but I also don't want to wish on good things for bad people. Most of us manage to submit returns without including a hazard, and it takes next to no effort at all. I don't even have to think about whether or not to do that, personally. It's a no-brainer.

As long as the in-person returns are still valid (within reason) and it's stated very clearly that online returns will cost money before purchasing, I don't really see the issue. Just put that information where they will read it (or hear it if it's voiced) and it should be OK.

It will help save the people who still have to deal with these insane returns for minimum wage. Fuck the overhead profit, and fuck the people who take their rage out on random minimum wage employees. (Don't do that literally ofc.)

Take it up with the people who might be able to actually do something to fix your problem, if you're that angry about the product. I will absolutely think much less of you if you personally take out your business complaints on the minimum wage employees.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Personally, I might be done with the series at this point.

Did they not just put a lot of the vehicles behind a paywall in GTA V this year? If you previously had them, you were fine. You would be SOL if you didn't buy them in the game before the update, though. IIRC some of cars were even stuck behind the GTA+ subscription.

I don't want to buy a game, and then have to buy some of the exact same content again years later. They should have also told people that they would be paywalling the cars a decent amount of time before they went through with it, imo.

It's not the end of the world or anything, but I'm concerned that this might be an attempt at starting a new type of profiting. This is worse than the horse armour from Oblivion. At least that gave you new models and textures.

"We'll just sell them a game, then we'll sell them the same assets in the same game years later!"

Just wait until it spreads to more game companies. I wish that there was a stronger push back when it happened. People are going to completely forget about it until it happens again.

With their current track record, maybe I'll buy it after a decade haha


I'll start. I have to be careful drinking around other people, because I can get intensely motivational.

My neighbour used to be depressed and stayed at a cruddy job, despite poor pay. I was 17, and he was in his 40s. Well, one night we happened to drink together. It turned out he only stayed at that job in hopes that he would eventually get his parents approval, and that they would finally be proud of him. The job made him miserable.

I spent hours convincing him that he was worth more than his parent's approval, and that he deserved to be happy. That he was the one living his day-to-day life, and that he should live it how he wants to. Many tears were shed that night. Dude quit before getting any new job prospects, and ended up working in a completely different field. He said thank you more than a few times, after everything was said and done.

That might not sound bad, but it was far from a one-off scenario. I eventually started to wonder what would happen if I accidentally helped lead someone to make a bad decision. It's not like drunk people are known for making good decisions. So, I only drink around certain people now haha.

On a side note, a crazy number of people have problems with/from their parents.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 28 points 1 year ago

Some of the takes that I've seen on this are bizarre.

You can hate that Hamas has murdered innocent civilians, and you can ALSO hate that Israel has murdered innocent civilians.

Some of us are just genuinely disgusted by the sheer amount of innocent people dying. It's terrible, and nothing anyone says will ever make me believe that those innocent people deserved to die like that. Some of them only have the "crime" of being born there.

I'm not from the US, but it irks me to see so many people calling anyone from there a hypocrite for being upset over it, solely because of the United States' previous involvement. Many of the people commenting are probably not the same people who wanted to join the war back then. Many of the people commenting may have not been old enough to vote for the government at the time. Millions of people are not one single homogeneous life form. Every person has their own mix of thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, hopes, and dreams. These things help fuel how they see the world around them. No two peoples stories are exactly alike.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think that that bot might actually be preventing the AITA community from growing. Yeah, it's easy enough to block the bot. I don't disagree with that at all.

The majority of new users may look at the community and see nothing but bot posts. I don't know about you, but if all I see on a community are bot posts, I tend to skip that community. I don't always care to go digging through numerous posts to see if it's worth it to block a bot. Doubly so, if there is so much bot posting that the normal posts are practically hidden. A new user may just assume that the community is intended for bots and just skip it altogether.

I don't care about AITA anymore to be honest, but too many bot posts can definitely hinder the growth of a community. I think that would be true for many communities.

Imo, it's a touch worse when the community is based on personal stories. No one will really benefit from voting/discussing. Instead, you're reading posts that someone else intended for another group on another website. There isn't really a lot of "community" that you can get with that. Short story readers group, I guess? The actual OP certainly won't get any of the input.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 82 points 1 year ago

I think I'm suited to answer this. I manage multiple people, including Gen Z. I am also Gen Z. People are actively trying to work here.

One of the biggest factors is employee appreciation and respect. A lot of companies will half-ass that front through just giving their employees an occasional pizza party. The problem with that style of management, is that it removes the human aspect. It kind of just turns it into another thing to just "check off the list" for corporate. It's something commonly thrown back at employees who complain. We've seen that happen enough to not want to deal with it.

It's also important to focus on the little things. Small details are what make up the big picture. If you leave those out, the big picture will be incomplete. Congratulate them when they reach a new goal. Tell them when they do work that would make the company proud, within reason. Encourage them, and actually work alongside them sometimes. If you want to throw free food on top, maybe poll your staff for their opinions on restaurants/food trucks. Show them you care.

Regarding the human aspect, a happy employee stays, and a happy employee is also usually a productive employee. Get to know your staff a bit, casually. Try to give reasonable allowances for time off during stressful life situations, like when their home floods or their sibling dies. Most companies will only allow the legal minimum.

Don't expect more from them than what you are willing to do yourself.

Accept their imperfections and work with them towards improvement. Instead of shouting, go straight towards the solution, and include them in the process. Allow them to learn how to avoid the mistake and learn how to fix it with you. Don't baby step it, but maybe show them a cool trick for that process if you have one. Remember that they are human and that there was also a time where you didn't know how to do it.

I'll be frank with you. Many of us don't see a great future over the horizon, so we're kind of making the best with what we have. We want to enjoy as much of the time in-between as we can. We've seen our grandparents, parents, siblings, and other family members become burnt out and emotionally overwhelmed, and we don't want that for ourselves.

The best way to not have that, is to not go along with it. So, hypothetically, I would go to the next job that treats it's employees well, even if the wage is the same. Why would I waste my efforts and hard labor on someone who doesn't value it? Why not spend it somewhere where I can learn, improve, and thrive?

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 40 points 1 year ago

If an instance doesn't want a negative reputation for doing certain things, they should prioritize not doing those certain things.

If you act like an arse, people are going to think that you're an arse. If you want people to think that you're pleasant, you should try acting pleasant. If someone acts like an arse but expects to be called pleasant, I would think that person is delusional. Too many people are like this, then get upset when people don't want to deal with them.

Frankly, life is too short to deal with certain people. Why would I waste my time and happiness for a troll?

I might block the instance soon. It doesn't seem like I would be losing much at the moment.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 63 points 1 year ago

I don't get the rage that some of these comments have from seeing this meme.

It doesn't say that anyone actually did or said anything, just that their expression dropped after seeing an infant board a plane.

People are allowed to be disappointed. I mean, I don't think that most parents actually love hearing screaming and/or crying either. Is a (probably) brief facial expression seriously the same as hating all children, or wishing for them to dissapear to some of you guys? Jeez Louise.

I mean, normally I wouldn't give a hoot either way. Kids on the plane, no kids on the plane, whatever. If I had a migraine that day though, yeah, I wouldn't be thrilled. I wouldn't be upset at anyone for the noise in the slightest, but I also wouldn't be joyful about it.

Are we certain that that's the actual contect of the picture, or did someone just say it was? Is this the accurate, OG text on the picture? Did any one of those people actually say or do anything beyond a facial expression when seeing very small children board the plane?

Some of you guys need to take a deep breath and just relax. I'm referring to both extremes with this.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 27 points 1 year ago

My grandmother was an amazing woman who devotes her life helping others. She was a nurse who also volunteered at old folks homes in her free time, and she donated to many good causes. She loved the teaching of Jesus. Her dad was a WWII vet, and she cared deeply about treating others with love and charity.

She passed away over a decade ago, and while I still don't like the idea that she's gone, I'm happy that she never had to see this all of this happening. She would have been absolutely crushed.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 27 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think this might become more common over time.

Up to this point, a lot of the news company's online presence was probably pretty cut and dry. Some of my local news stations have terrible websites that take forever to load, yet those websites were probably cutting edge at some point. One of them has a layout that hasn't changed in at least 10 years.

If their IT department hasn't expanded their skills beyond making and maintaining those original websites, I could totally see a long delay happening before/if they join the fediverse.

[-] Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Who's literally burning books that were removed from schools?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Not OC


I always struggle trying to decide whether or not to stay home when I'm feeling under the weather. How do you decide?

Meanwhile, in Canada... (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works to c/memes@lemmy.ml

He is a town favourite somehow, despite this being in Canada


The mercenaries’ march to Moscow may have ended, but the short-lived armed rebellion has exposed deep weaknesses inside the Kremlin and undermined Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 23-year rule like never before.

The crisis was unprecedented in Russia’s recent history and may forever tarnish the image of the country’s strongman president, analysts told NBC News. With this authoritarian veneer besmirched by the consequences of his own war in Ukraine and two decades of a divide and rule approach, it’s unclear what’s next for Putin.

“This is a devastating blow to Putin’s image as a strongman,” said Bill Browder, the American-born human rights lawyer and leading Putin critic. “If a warlord with just 25,000 men is able to take over several cities in Russia and make it to Moscow unopposed, it shows that Putin’s authority as a dictator is completely fake.”

Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia under then-President Barack Obama, agreed that even this fleeting display of insubordination would gravely hurt the Russian president.

“I don’t think he’s mortally weakened,” said McFaul, also a former Obama adviser who specialized in Russia. “I think he can survive this. But he is much weaker today than he was just 24 hours ago.”

Members of Wagner group sit atop of a tank in a street in Rostov-on-Don, Russia The mercenaries behind the rebellion were moving toward the capital before they turned back.Stringer / AFP via Getty Images ‘Who can Putin trust?’ This is new ground for Putin’s Russia, until now only troubled by the occasional unarmed protest swiftly crushed by police. By contrast, in a few short hours, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner mutineers were able to overrun a key Russian city, shoot down several military aircraft and leave the Kremlin scrambling to defend the capital.

The few Russian troops not deployed in Ukraine were seemingly unable or unwilling to thwart Prigozhin’s advance, with his fighters even cheered by some locals.

The revolt’s abrupt resolution may only add to the questions now hanging over the Kremlin, not least because of Putin’s apparent willingness to pardon Prigozhin — sending him to Belarus and dropping charges against his fighters — just hours after accusing him of stabbing Russia in the back.

A closer look at the man behind the armed rebellion in Russia The situation that unfolded in Russia over the past 24 hours was the most dramatic political development to take place in decades. It was the kind of sudden crisis that at one stage looked like it was evoking the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the 1993 constitutional crisis that saw troops loyal to then-President Boris Yeltsin fire tank shells at the offices of Parliament.

Prigozhin called it a “rebellion” against Russia’s Defense Ministry, led by his rival Sergei Shoigu. The mercenary chief was careful not to criticize Putin, but his advance was a clear threat to the Russian president, who denounced it as such and vowed to “neutralize” the uprising.

While this was playing out, a senior American military official told NBC News it was “a very dangerous time” and “it all depends on how the military acts — the next 72 hours are critical.” The best way to understand what happened is to see it as an attempted Mafia takeover, the official said, with a loyal soldier who has risen through the ranks seeking more power for himself.

The mercenaries got within 125 miles of Moscow before making the shock announcement that they were turning back.

But this maverick act of revolt from one of Putin’s former close allies has presented Russians with an alternative narrative for the war in Ukraine and a glimpse at the weakness of the state.

Prigozhin preceded his advance on Moscow with public defiance of Kremlin propaganda, denouncing the invasion as an unjustified attempt by elites to plunder Ukraine’s material assets — resulting in the needless deaths of untold thousands of Russians.

The Russian people, its military and elites will not forget Prigozhin’s searing criticisms, much less the vulnerabilities his uprising exposed. “What’s done cannot be undone,” as the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank, said in a briefing.

Story of my life (sh.itjust.works)

I first saw this on reddit, but I figured it would be good to make sure that this also stays accessible on another platform

True love c: (sh.itjust.works)
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