US global influence is already well into decline. This is the USA's Byzantine period as we shift from a unipolar into an increasingly multipolar world.
If someone could spit out some nice high-performance RISC-V CPU with an integrated open-source and most importantly mainlined GPU (which also includes a video encoder/decoder which could handle 4k 264, 265* and AV1) ... I'd be SO happy....
- Yes, I know the intellectual property/digital restrictions management cesspit would do everything they could to prevent this from happening. One can dream, though.
And here I am stuck in an apartment in NYC with one option.. spectrum cable. That's it. I mean you COULD get Verizon DSL (lol) or some horrendously overpriced LTE thing, but realistically you're at the mercy of whatever bloodsucking landlord thinks you deserve.
They're actually quite annoying, the documentation is there but makes a lot of assumptions about what you already know.
I prefer podman systemd generate...just makes more sense to me.
I snagged an old fiber LTO5 drive.. just got to work out how to get it powered and then spend hours fiddling with silly old tapes.
ipvlan / macvlan containers?
Yeah, then they lose all their best and brightest who are disappearing off to work on their own things.
All these idiot C-suite trash will wind up holding is a bag of yesterday's technology, a mass of obsolete infrastructure and a bunch of brands they've helped destroy.
The elephant in the room here is that hardly anyone has a disposable income to spend $90 on an AAA game title and potentially thousands in hardware on which to play it.
Shelter, food, healthcare and power costs have increased too much. When the basics can't be met, people stop spending money on these additional things because it makes the difference between eating or not for a week.
What a piece of shit. I hope he gets the book thrown at him.
The same thing that is powering most other political figures, all of which can be termed "Populists"
People are angry about a number of things. The wealth gap is very large, they are constantly told that the reason they aren't doing well in life is because of their own failings, whilst they watch elites with political access get away with things they can only dream of. They're being told immigrants and/or AI's are coming for their jobs. They're being told they can't have what their parents or the wealthy had because Climate Change, or because inflation.
This generates a great deal of friction, which in turn pushes people to radicalize their beliefs. You can't continue to sell a liberal, centrist viewpoint of the world when it simply isn't working for them. They might cotton on to "dumb" ideas, but this does not mean that they are stupid. It means that they are angry. This is is demonstrative of a deeper problem that is being very deliberately ignored or papered over, because those in power have a vested interest in keeping the gravy train running for as long as possible. The sheer scale of the problems we now have to deal with are exceeding the kinds of moves and actions most Western politicians have learned over the years, so we aren't getting appropriate results out of our political apparatus.
In times such as these, many people will look to the past for ideas on how to deal with their current situation. They sometimes come back with bad ones, sometimes they come back with good ones, and the pre-existing power structure will do everything it can to resist both of them, because to change is tantamount to completely losing grip on power for many of the people invested in the way things are. They cannot adapt, and once gone they will never get it back.
So we have a kind of a worst-case situation with a maladaptive leadership, extreme public resentment and actual natural/physical catastrophes forming a kind of crucible that this civilization needs to endure.
The trumps/erdogans/farages/orbans/lukashenkos/putins/meleis of this world are symptoms of these issues.
I mean.. yeah layoff a whole bunch of people and start treating your employees like replaceable commodities.. then go ahead and arrogantly deploy technology you don't understand and :surprisepikachu: everything breaks.
But management get to do things without personal consequence, as they'll just lay off more workers to cover their absolute incompetence and things will continue to get worse.
Perhaps we should be replacing C-suite dipshits with AI's instead.
Well, minus an effective central bank..