Wayne is a Republican through and through, he wouldn't do anything to Trump.
Hey, maybe we'll start talking about the Tibetan genocide again!
That person has mental issues.
There's a fucking ton of people complaining about the tariffs on Chinese EV
While the factory was on fire...
Where are all the pro-Chinese EV people at?
"Americans are mad because they can't compete with the Chinese!"
Yeah, when employees are unionized and get great conditions it turns out the product is more expensive than the one built by slave and subsidized by the government in order to do dumping so they eventually end up with a monopoly, who would have thought?
Nothing loads, no true story happened, everything is a lie
Low tolerance millennials?
If anything millennials are just becoming more and more radicalized against the elites and the unhealthy work "ethics" they had to endure.
Good on the next generations if they dare standing up for themselves.
New leak!
No rematcg? You're a better fighter, he's still stronger than you at arm wrestling.
Death penalty increases violence because murdering the person catching you becomes a way to increase your likelihood of surviving.
Thanks for the text OP, I couldn't read all of that