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Flüchtlinge übertreten immer 'illegal' die Grenze, haben hier aber ein Anrecht darauf, einen Asylantrag zu stellen und somit 'legale' Einwanderer zu werden. Der Unterschied ist nur Wortklauberei.
Ach ja, die Grenzkontrolle. Die funktioniert ja so gut. Wir haben ja auch keine 'illegale' Einwanderung mehr, seitdem die Polizei die Grenzen kontrolliert. ^/s^
Die haben ja Recht, dass die Kugelbombenverkäufer/-bauer bestraft gehören, aber wie sollen bitte Grenzkontrollen das verhindern können?
It's great to see that Sanders is so popular. It's sad to see that politicians of his caliber are so rare that if he ever retires, his absence will be painful.
Counter argument: The maintainers could "easily" relocate to a country that is not currently conducting an invasion to enlarge its territory.
He is just so fucking weak-minded. He got cyber-bullied by Putin. He turned into Trump's lapdog. And the next day he gotta fire random employees of his to feel in control again. Piss baby aptly describes his state of mind.
Aren't those almost always race condition bugs? The debugger slows execution, so the bug won't appear when debugging.
I think the real upsetting thing isn't Biden's performance, or having Biden as president for four more years. He achieved quite a bit after all. The real upsetting thing is the DNC being such cunts that they even pushed for this debate, hoping that Biden could win, only to deny and ignore Biden's abhorrent performance immediately after. That Bernie got shafted twice by them, that is the really upsetting part.
I can picture the whole interview already.
Tucker: "Mr. Putin, why did you invade Ukraine?"
Putin: "We had many very legitimate reasons. Ukrainian nazis, US imperialism, NATO expansion."
Tucker: "What will it take for you to stop this war? Will you guarantee peace?"
Putin: "We are a very rational and forgiving people. We ask for nothing but the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. We will treat everyone with respect and we won't meddle with any other country outside Ukraine. KGB spy pinky-promise."
Tucker: "Mr. Putin, may I suck your cock?"
Putin: "You may."
*30 minutes of slurping noises*
This is exactly what I am thinking as well. Russia is clearly threatening the stability of the EU right now. If the EU wants to send a strong signal against aggression and meddling, it needs support Ukraine in a way that makes it clear to any would-be-adversary, that the EU is willing and capable to defend itself and its allies.
Gerade wars n kaputter catbox link. Jetzt ist es ein anderer.