Or they replaced words. It's possible he said "It's" but since it's not currently true, they changed it to [will be] but I'm just speculating.
They're editing the quote to add information they think is relevant. Ken Levine didn't say "will be".
Reminds me of those threads "do you think you're smarter than most people" of course anyone who responds either calls themselves a dumbass or agrees. But it's always a biased question, because if you are sentient enough to understand the question you ARE smarter than most people.
I didn't know his name was Joel Michael Singer. But I'm going to remember that. Joel Michael Singer.
It's beyond a meme now. It's just the only way to describe him.
Number 2. Unless you firmly believe there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Hmm ... Better pigeon hole clients into only using the teabag.
"Why can't I put the label in the water?!"
Meanwhile Japanese people, for all their faults, put a fucking mask on when they get a cold because that's seen as a decent thing to do.
Twitch in 2 weeks : video games? Where?
A liberal might make her gay when she least expects it!
Industries are making bad products on purpose to weed out consumers with standards, therefore breeding a crop of consumers that exist only to give their money to them if they ask.
Like... Barely.
It's just a cute game where you sell slime shit.