Nah Trump is down there with a second hole saying "gardeners and maids apply here", while the wall is "guarded" by a redneck with a MAGA hat.
StarCraft 2, during the Terran campaign you chill out in a bar between missions. There's no actual gameplay tho, other than optionally talk to NPCs.
Thanks, I'm familiar with the lootbox mechanics in valve's games, but had no idea this kind of gambling existed...
CS2 skin gambling
What is that?
It's "funny" how this was a complete non-issue here in France, but when the American right made trans people their next target after their abortion win, it suddenly became a huge problem for the French right as well.
These people constantly complain about American cultural hegemony, but they still make an exception for Trump and this kind of shit. Out of all the cool things coming out of the US, this is what you tolerate? I'm so sick of these spiteful assholes...
Because modern Java is an OK language with a great ecosystem to quickly build web backends. And there are lots of java devs which means more potential contributors.
From RH, it's in the (short) article.
People who "barely knows how to send a fucking file over the internet" can't fix shit on Windows either. I spent a lot more time fixing my mom's Windows install than her Ubuntu.
Bonus: Elon "fuck yourself in the face" Musk pretending to be shocked.