I love that the brain still, relies on real-life data on the world It creates
Yeah me too, totally, you fucking psycho. That's the best part of nightmares...
I love that the brain still, relies on real-life data on the world It creates
Yeah me too, totally, you fucking psycho. That's the best part of nightmares...
Ok I'm definitely profound. This just made me smile and "Always look on the bright side of life" started playing in my head and my shitty morning turned into a better one. THANKS OPANON.
Like there was for a while the whole "Play Mozart/Beethoven to your kid in the womb and they'll be smarter" and shit - there's no way everyone universally likes classical music. I know several older people who don't enjoy music at all, which just seems bizarre.
It's not like every kids gonna pop out and be like "That Mozart's Requiem was some shit, man! Play it again!".
least brutal 3-year-old/freshly born.
I'm imagining toddlers growing up to hate their parents' music taste, because they already fucking hated it when they played it to them when they were a fetus in utero.
The dad hyped up "fuck yeah I'm gonna teach this kid to love Slayer because I'm playing it to him now when they're in there!". And then they hate it like "THIS IS WHAT THAT SHIT WAS, I HATED IT ALL THE FUCKING TIME, FUCK YOU!"
I just learned that the Amazon tablet/e-reader thing is literally called Amazon Fire. Like... Seriously. It's a little on the nose, no? Like Bezos and his team KNOW and sell this shit to people laughing all the way to the bank and people just line up. I'm so done with this world.
On top of all that, I wonder how much the types of backports they're rooting for would be used to acquire the kind of material pedophiles are after. I mean kids will be kids either way and be stupid and the people that are after kiddie porn seem more likely the type of people to know their way around and stay hidden, because they're literally predators. These backports will be abused by both "the legitimate" side and criminals, so wouldn't having a "special key" to unlock your backdoor put your children in more danger, especially when you're sleeping sound thinking you're safe and therefore not worried about someone, "breaking in". (Is it still breaking in if they have a fucking key?)
"Valiokunta kehui CSAM-esityksen taustalla olevaa ideaa, eli lasten suojelua verkon vaaroilta:
"Suuri valiokunta katsoo, että asetusehdotuksella on erittäin painava tavoite tehokkaasti ennaltaehkäistä ja torjua lapsiin kohdistuvaa verkkovälitteistä seksuaaliväkivaltaa EU-tason toimin. Valiokunta pitää tärkeänä, että EU-tasolla syntyy selkeä ja sitova oikeudellinen kehys, jolla voidaan tehostaa hyväksikäytön havaitsemista, ilmoittamista ja poistamista. Valtioneuvoston tavoin suuri valiokunta painottaa lapsen edun merkitystä, kun punnitaan ehdotuksen eri osien suhdetta perustuslakiin ja perus- ja ihmisoikeuksiin."
"Lisäksi valiokunta katsoo, että ehdotusta ei voida kannattaa sellaisessa muodossa, että se sallisi massavalvonnan. Valiokunnan mukaan valvontaa pitäisi tehdä ainoastaan tunnistettuihin kohteisiin, eikä siis koko kansan tasolla."
Ehkä olen (ja siis kyllä olen) pessimisti ja en luota siihen että jos kerta ajatuksena on että "tuollaisenaan" sitä ei hyväksytä, mutta vähän jätetään tuolla tavalla epämääräisesti auki että "tunnistettuisiin kohteisiin" voitaisiin kohdistaa ko. valvontaa, niin miten se muuten tapahtuu kuin takaporttien avulla jotka jonkun erityisluvan tai vastaavan kanssa voitaisiin sitten purkaa, koska eipä se nyt ihan hirveästi ihmisten yksityisyyden tai tietoturvan kannalta asiaa muuta - aina jos jotain voidaan väärinkäyttää, sitä käytetään väärin, oli se taho sitten rikollinen tai valtio.
Toivon, että luen rivien välistä vähän liian kyynisesti ja vaikka tässä vähän voi pienesti huokaistakin niin kyllä mulla ainakin foliohattu vielä pysyy tiukasti päässä.
Americans reading anything: "How do I find a way to shove our idiotic polarized, tribal politics into this?".
Seriously. It's an article about dental health...
"Say hello to my little friend!"
In Finnish it's 'vaahtokarkki' which translates to foamcandy.
Adding to all of the other comments, I have to add to the music suggestions: You DO NOT even have to learn an instrument. Learn how to make electronic music (you don't have to make techno or other such electronic electronic music. Just lay down a drum track and add a little sound here and another there. YouTube is full of tutorials for full blown DAW's/workstations and the simplest apps. Get Koala Sampler or some other app for your phone or better yet, tablet.
Even simpler, try an app called Keylimba, the default sound is a soothing thumb piano/marimba, and for just a couple euros/bucks you can get a range of instruments, but the marimba is very well enough for a long ass time. With it you can just have the thing loop whatever base you put in and just, pluck a sound here and there. I'm a half-pro musician and I still often find myself just relaxing with it. Making a simple chord structure and just chilljamming away. Music isn't hard and difficult, people/society just approaches it in a really backwards way. Anyone can do music. Sequencers and loopers are such an underrated tool for learning and creativity. You don't have to mind any theory at all, just do what feels good.
I also have to add - meditation. Get a calm album or find one on YouTube that has music you enjoy, or even look up a guided meditation on YouTube, there's tons. Meditation is great if you can find even a moment to focus/unfocus on it.
And you think if nudity wasn't a taboo people wouldn't be self conscious about anything (ie. their bodies)? Especially considering the acoustics in most showers (hint:even the people who normally can't hear you talk in your home can hear you sing in the shower). Especially considering people are self conscious as hell about their bodies even with clothes on?
A car is a much more private and safe space than a shower.
Not being a dick, just curious what your train of thought here is.