[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 1 points 7 hours ago

Oh. I just assumed it didn't have that option on linux either because macOS cal doesn't have it.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

Very useful for having a quick glance at calendar. Although it's annoying that there's no option to have week start on monday.

submitted 7 months ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/sdfpubnix@lemmy.sdf.org

I had forgotten about SDF but seeing SDF instance on Lemmy caught my attention. I used to use SDF for a while about 10 years ago and now it would be interesting to see if I have left anything interesting there.

I found my notes from ten years ago so I know what my username was. I don't remember my password though. I tried to log in but to no avail. Is there any way to know whether my account still exists? Do accounts get removed if they're not used for long periods of time?

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 12 points 8 months ago

Yes it does. I think it's that way because it's in locative case even though it doesn't make the word itself look any different. English sort of has cases and doesn't.

It works similarly in Latin. You don't say ad domum. You only say domum.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 16 points 9 months ago

Maybe their necklaces and earrings don't adhere to OSHA regulations. I don't know. Everyone has to use their own judgement when posting and I think it's better to mark NSFW when in doubt, but there seems to be at least two different ways people use NSFW feature so sometimes the choice of using an NSFW tag might not make sense.

submitted 9 months ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Ja löytyykö aikuisena harrastusta jatkaneita tai aloittaneita? Minulla oli lapsuudessa vain yksi sormilaatikko ja se oli vieläpä halpismalli ja siten melko heikkolaatuinen. Tykkäsin kuitenkin sen väristä. Se oli kauttaaltaan viininpunainen ja kuutiomallinen. Ehkä hieman laventelin sävyinen auringon valossa.

Muistan joillain luokkakavereillani olleen paljon parempia laatikoita. Kalliimmasta puusta rakennettuja ja paremmilla ominaisuuksilla. Oli ainakin kaksi mallia jotka olisin silloin halunnut, mutta vanhemmat eivät useampaa suostuneet ostamaan. Ei sitä harrastusta tainnut kovin montaa vuotta kestää, mutta oli se siihen aikaan mukavaa vapaa-ajan tekemistä. Ei taida olla oma laatikko enää tallessa. Muuten olisin voinut pitkästä aikaa kokeillakin sitä.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 9 points 9 months ago

I don't understand why people think this is such a useful thing. Sure it has some good summaries but you can't find all info there whereas man pages should have everything. It's also good that tldr has examples but I think it's something man should more often have too. So why would people rather use this than man?

For example I often forget the order of pattern and file in grep. I can look it up easily in both man and tldr. I also forget what was the short option for recursion. Was it -r, -R or either or something else entirely? I can easily do a search on my pager to find the option in man but there's only long option available in tldr. That's Too Long Don't Want to Type.

submitted 9 months ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Onko mämmiä tullut syötyä ynnä muita pääsiäisruokia? Mitä pääsiäispuuhia sopuleilla on? Ajattelin käydä vielä Alkossa katsomassa josko sieltä löytyisi jonkinlaista pääsiäiseen sopivaa olutta.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 21 points 10 months ago

Moving to Lemmy made me realize how much time I wasted lurking on Reddit. I didn't bother to participate because someone would have already said what I thought. Sometimes I could even read one thread for days because there was just so much to read.

But I don't know if it's good or bad if there are so many comments. Maybe it's good if you learn something useful but I don't think it's that useful to read for days about random subject you don't need. At least it's a some form of entertainment. I think I just read less now that I'm on Lemmy.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 10 points 11 months ago

Probably an average. I think the above average types usually have a vim keybinding configured to send current buffer to CIA via curl so they don't have to use bloated web browser for doing everyday task.

Average Linux user (www.youtube.com)
submitted 11 months ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/linuxmemes@lemmy.world

Although Linux is just used to run superior OS in VM. Same as using Internet Explorer to download Firefox.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Suomiredditissä jaksetaan toitottaa vihreiden kuulien erinomaisuudesta ja ylistää niitä maasta taivaisiin, mutta täällä Sopulin puolella lienee syytä puuttua tähän disinformaatioon ja tuoda esiin asiain oikea laita. Nimittäin Finlandia-kuulathan ovat paljon parempia kuin vihreät kuulat. Niitä on rasiassa useampaa sorttia, joista jokainen on maultaan erinomainen ja makuelämys kokonaisuudessaan on näin ollen huomattavan mielenkiintoisempi.

Hyvää joulua kaikille!

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 year ago

You can visit based cooking website to get just recipes without any of that other nonsense. I haven't tried those recipes because I don't do much cooking but I guess it's worth a try.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Mietin tässä että saattaisin ostaa jääpalakoneen kun ei ole nyt mahdollisuutta tehdä pakastimessa jääpaloja. Mahtaako noilla saada yhtä hyviä jääpaloja kuin pakastimesta ja minkähänlainen laite kannattaisi ostaa? Jos kellään on kokemuksia moisista aparaateista niin sopii kertoa tähän lankaan.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Biisin loppuvaiheessa lauletaan keshiki kagayaku joka kuulostaa samalta kuin keskikalja. Alkaakin kohtapuoliin olla aika ottaa perjantaiolut.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 16 points 1 year ago


Do Americans really use inches of mercury to measure air pressure? Even millimeters of mercury would feel weird for me in weather context. I've seen mmHg used mostly in medical and chemistry stuff. I guess it really is anything but metric for you guys.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

En muista miten tämä asia itselleni opetettiin peruskoulussa, mutta tämä ei kyllä näytä olevan ihan oikein. Kuva on siis kuulemma peruskoulun oppikirjasta. Toki omaan ymmärrykseeni voi vaikuttaa muiden kielten kielioppien opiskelu, mutta eihän noilla esimerkkisanoilla ole lauseissaan genetiivin tai nominatiivin funktiota. Ne ainoastaan näyttävät niiltä. Kyseessä on siis akkusatiivi, joka on genetiivin ja nominatiivin kaltainen.

Mitä mieltä suomisopulit ovat tästä? Onko suomen kielessä akkusatiiviä vai onko kirjassa opetettu asia oikein?

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 year ago

Well, it's certainly shorter than the table in the parent comment.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 26 points 1 year ago

I've heard of it too. You would need an analytical balance to get accurate measurements weighing a piece of paper. Just cut out the part you want to take an integral of, then cut out a piece of paper with known size (or cut several pieces with different sizes to get more accurate results) and weigh each of them. I guess this used to be cheaper and faster than using computers when computers were big and expensive.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/meta@sopuli.xyz

Right now I can't use sopuli via Connect for Lemmy app but the website seems to work fine. Any ideas whether this is a problem with the server or the client? The app just says that sopuli.xyz is not responding.


When switching accounts there's some weird behavior if global settings are switched off (both accounts have their own settings). After switch all the settings are either set back to default or partially changed.

For example one time it changed text color to black against black background so it was very difficult to navigate the app to change it back to normal (I could only see black). Sometimes it still shows the correct setting on the settings menu but I have to reset it to the same value in order to make it effective.

It would be useful to also have a safety feature on the app that doesn't let text color ever be too similar to background color regardless of the theme settings. I don't think there's any use case for all text to be invisible in the app.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 year ago

I have requested this feature before. Either an option to select an alternate function for long press or an option to disable long press entirely. I tend to scroll slow so I often hide some comments even if I didn't mean to.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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