Fjällräven has a decent selection. The ones I bought seem pretty durable.
Or you can buy 5 pairs of a medium caliber brand.
Some people use Lidl (Parkside) drills in their home renovations, but they end up burning through a whole bunch them. In some cases, it’s still cheaper than buying a Bosch drill, but you need to asses where the break even point is in your case.
5.11 strykes win hands down for me on every single metric. They have become my staple. I literally have pairs in every colour and even have the shorts.
The ones from Duluth Trading are solid, and are actually comfortable. The Flex Firehose ones repel water pretty well, but do get hot and muggy inside when out hiking. Nice for typical days though, esp in the cooler seasons.
I'm pretty fond of the Tru-Spec 24/7 design, especially in ripstop.
I have/had some 5.11s (the ones I had were a cotton that really retained moisture, the pocket layout is more obtusive than it is useful, and their waist elastic is the kind that makes mark-leaving bunches), a pair of those Vertx ones that try to hide the cargo profile (always found them a bit uncomfortable, also bunch-type elastic), some of the Duluth "Fire Hose" (great for manual work, too heavy and hot for casual wear), one pair of the tru-spec in cotton (pretty good)... And multiple pairs of both pants and shorts of the ripstop tru-spec 27/7 because they have a really nice waist elastic design, a pocket design that is actually useful for retaining stuff and tries to minimize profile when empty, the fabric breathes and dries well without feeling plasticy...
They slightly changed the interior of the pocket design a while back and it makes the retaining flap not quite accept my particular phone and adds an extra layer of fabric and hence added bulk/lost breathability to make an additional slot, which was unfortunate, but still, highly recommend.
I love my Décathlon Quechua ones.
what's [they, il]?
They're my pronouns: I use they (neutral) in English and il (masculine) in French.
why neutral in English but masculine in French?
because I don't find iel and the French inclusive spelling convenient on a daily basis :)
I liked them better way back when they were Royal Robbins, but the 5.11 cargo pants are still good. I wear them every day and they have proven surprisingly durable. They also offer a good set of carry options for small gear.
For work, I go with Carhartt because they have some nice triple-stitched pants that are pretty durable and last me a couple of months. For just being out and about, I like the Fast-Tac pants from 5.11 because they are super lightweight with gusseted cargo pockets and ripstop fabric. It also has a dedicated cell phone pocket in the leg, which means I don't wear the shape of my phone into my back pocket like I do with every other kind of pants.
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