I was just talking with my union rep today about ideas to be working for with our next contract. This is job is the first time in my career that my role has been included in a union and I love it.
I miss being union. Like I really don’t think people who’ve never had one really get just how nice it is to have a union rep. Any time there’s conflict with your boss you can pull in your witness who makes sure the rules are followed.
I'm at my first union job too. Everything those anti-union propaganda videos say is bullshit. Crazy how I can still have a "direct working relationship" with my bosses without getting screwed over.
It's amazing isn't it? And if you've been somewhere that has been unionized for decades, so long that the culture is basically built-in at this point, there's no need to worry about your superiors pulling some shady shit, they all know better and because of the culture, it isn't ever even an option.
My employer has been unionized since World War II. There have been some supervisors who are anti-union, but those supervisors haven't lasted very long. Unfortunately, I'm in a right to work state, but almost everybody who has been there long-term is in the union. I wanted to join as soon as I was eligible.
Funny this press release came out Aug 28, and not a single whisper in the news about it.
It’s so obvious that the imbalance of power in employment is causing all sorts of issues. Greed has swept across corporate leadership, through executives, board members, and investors. Throw in low income tax rates for these high earners, and what do you know… they continue to eat up every penny they can gobble down. Making low/middle class suffer tremendously just to sit on a bigger pile of goal. Greed. Sociopathic greed in many cases.
Collective bargaining doesn’t just help workplace behavior or give a little bump in wages. It helps balance the power between labor and capital owners with little to no regard for the actual wellbeing of their workers.
And it’s crucial at this time of growing wealth inequality, low/middle class stagnant income growth, and a host of shitty behavior that’s become customary for employers (abuse employees to drive quarterly figures up and keep the investors happy).
Join a union. Make a union. Talk about earnings with coworkers. Take a stand against shitty treatment. We can create a better life for the workers of the world. We just have to do it together.