anon needs to own that, funny as fuck
Yeah, I’d be proud with myself if I came up with that
Anon should‘ve rolled with it. I‘m autistic and sometimes say something totally serious which people take as a joke. I just play along and people think I‘m mad funny.
Whereever I saw this posted yesterday, best comment was that he should have owned it and told the guy "be sure to wipe down the equipment when you're done".
Toilets should be wiped down after every use.
Anon accidentally fails to be awkward, runs to escape weird nrw feeling.
If everyone else knew gym lingo I'd probably use this all the time, it's way better than "uwu i gotta peepee poopoo real bad sir" which is what I usually say
> be anon
> accidentally say the funniest joke ever
> for some reason get embarrassed about it instead of being happy you invented a great bit
Just saw this yesterday on gym memes
Captain ?
I'm confused. Why did the person in the stall react that way and why did the poster in the image feel embarrassed?
Nah bud, we’re not training you GPT5. Go con a doordash driver to help you or something.
Gpt4 already gets it
God that reads like the most autistic kid in my school trying to explain a joke.... And that really sums up GPT for me I guess
It's getting there, but I don't think it fully captures the toilet humour in the joke.
Meaning we can rest assured that the singularity is still not here.
I am a human. My account is older than the time OpenAI decided to make ChatGPT available to the public.
After I wrote my last post, I remembered that the sentence «How many sets do you have left?» probably isn't just used as a form of small-talk among "bros", but in the context of gyms, where there is a limited amount of exercise machines, it is used as a way to ask when such a machine is going to be free again. Now it makes a lot more sense why the poster in the image said that and why the other people would react that way.
I am not sure about this entire sequence.
But never been in a gym. I am guessing asking about the seats is likely some sort of gym joke or something. I really don't know why he asked such an odd question.
(I live rural, we get our exercise out of doors here)
He said "sets". I assume that in gym parlance that's how you ask how many more repititions they are going to do before they leave it free. Whenever I've been in a gym I just wait until they fuck off.
No, when you exercise, you usually do a certain amount of repetitions, short break, another set of repetitions again and so on.
> Greentext