So logically, this person also doesn't need most medicine, anything electric, most transport, or threads. I support this enlightened poster's return to monke.
This post is most likely satirical in nature, if her other content is any indication
Seconded, the greater context is probably something about how parenting is hard.
Wow, first post from threads I've ever seen and it's already total horse shit
The concept is barely 100 years old because in olden times workers were either treated well or were treated like shit until they rioted. The reason we have weekends is because workers were treated like shit until they violently rioted and got the 5-day work week codified into law
Maybe OP is secretly pro-revolt? Pro-revolution?
... doesnt... at least taking the sabbath/sunday off... count as the concept of a weekend... and that shit is thousands of years old?
Fucking never mention the ancient Jewish tradition of debt jubilees, or the general Arab/Muslim tendency to forbid loans with interest rates to this person as well, I am sure they would come up with some way to explain that exploitative financial systems in fact have a deep rooted history going back to Gobekli Tepe days or something...
Yes. Can we please bring back debt jubilees?
Sounds like a bootlicker.
Because you're a slave, Neo.
Common Threads L
We've had First Weekend, yes, but we didn't have Second Weekend
Even slaves got rest days.
That does piss me off! Zuckerberg and corporate interests invading the fediverse...
You don't need water. It's only been around 3.8 billion years.