This is so ridiculous and unnecessary.
Ah, but see, it is cruel. So in the conservative mind it's okay.
Booker said after the Texas ruling Thursday that she intends to appeal the decision. She also said she will file an injunction in a pending federal lawsuit filed by Darresha and Darryl George against the school district as well as state leaders.
I hope this can get struck down on appeal. I'm glad they are continuing to fight. How racist and farcical. Poor kid.
Yeah, what about religious hairstyles, like Sihks having long hair gathered up on top of the head?
Just... let people have whatever hair they want...
Just… let people have whatever hair they want…
"Absolutely not."
– Conservatives, probably
I’m a man that has mostly had long hair since I was 14. It’s part of my identity. Their whole ‘collar length’ rule is one I would simply have laughed at them for.
But I’m white (and a man). No one tries to bully me when I set boundaries.
Fuck those administrators and their heavy-handed attempt to step on that child’s sense of self. Their school rules do not supersede state law.
And their rules don't supercede federal law. Some religions forbid cutting of hair (e.g. Sikh), so that would be protected under the first amendment. If one individual is not obligated to cut their hair for religious purposes, surely another individual could choose to not cut their hair under the equal protection clause, even without claiming religious exemption. If not, one party gets special privileges that another does not just because they're part of a protected class, which is unfair.
That said, I think they can absolutely enforce hair not going beyond your shoulders, since people can tie their hair up. There may be practical reasons for it (e.g. safety, such as in a shop class), or just a uniform standard of appearance. But that's not what the article is about. If I were the student's parents, I would seriously consider appealing on constitutional grounds.
Racist, racist is what it is. A conservative excercise in power, in service of reenforcing the racist hierarchy of white people over black people that Conservatives love so much.
Even beyond the obvious issue, boys being forced to have short hair is just sexist as hell.
The...the school district that is restricting hair styles is literally called "Barber Hill"? Like actually?
Fake country lmfaooo
The policy:
This kind of shit is exactly why I don't lower my guard around whites anymore; especially not the ones south of the Mason-Dixon. They get a little bit of power over you, and suddenly everything about you that makes them uncomfortable from your hair to your diction to the parts of your culture that you embrace all become open to sanction and life-derailing 'punishment'. Prayin this man Darryl keeps fighting.
Barbers Hill
I mean??? Of course they have haircut laws.
policy that prohibits males from wearing hair that extends beyond eyebrows, earlobes or collars
fascist shit right here.
Why the fuck is the US still policing childrens hair? Just to be racist and enforce heteronormativity?
That's the only silver lining to this case. It is making national news because this is far from the norm. I know there were plenty of boys when I was growing up who had longer hair. Unlike the idiots running this school, my school administrators had better things to do than go after them for a style choice that had no bearing on academic performance.
Just because you didn't / don't experience it doesn't mean it's uncommon.
This isn't actually about the length of his hair.
It's that Black natural / protective hair styles are seen by racists as being "disrespectful" and they even said why they have the policy.
Their list included many things, but only one of those was actually relevent here "respect for authority".
Racist people and racist systems will always punish Blackness. This is just one specific example of a larger pattern.
This right here
Oh, for sure, these things still happen and far too often when it comes to race, from what I've heard about studies on race and disparities in treatment in schools. I'm specifically talking about hair length. I remember there were some Black boys around me in high school with longer hair, but the school drew from an area that was more heavily white, Latino, and Asian so the sample size was minuscule. This is in Portland, OR so of course the culture is going to be different than a conservative part of Texas.
My point is that focusing on length is missing the point.
That's just the ad-hoc justification for their racist actions.
Most schools have absurd policies in writing that are never actually enforced, until someone decides it has suddenly become a-rule-so-important-we'll-go-to-court-over-it .
Most of the time, when admin gets suddenly very focused on a rule like this, you'll find there's a marginalized student that they want to apply it to. But don't bring race into this!
Hell, during the 90s is was super fashionable for boys to have very long hair. These people are living in the 19th century.
I'm in a very conservative part of the country and there are a few boys in my neighborhood that have long hair. And that's with the culture here being against such things.
It's really a non-issue pretty much everywhere. I guess some admin somewhere was a bit too power hungry.
The times, they are a'changing. What a stupid time to be living. I do find some type of juvenile humor in a haircut being a problem at Barbers Hill.
Reconstruction never should have ended
Andrew Johnson should've been packed up before he could scuttle Field Order 15
Actually it was President Rutherford B. Hayes who removed Federal Troops from the South and ended Reconstruction.
Honestly show me a president from that era and there's probably five reasons that directly tie into today's material conditions, especially for subjects of empire, that justify that president getting packed in a swisher
“You need significant length to perform the style,” Booker said. “You can’t make braids with a crew cut. You can’t lock anything that isn’t long.”
They said he couldn't lock his hair because it was too short.
I think that was his own lawyer explaining that the hairstyles protected by the law are all long hair styles, while the rule that the school is punishing him for is one that requires boys to have crew cuts. So the argument is that that rule is in violation of the law.
Someone remind the people in charge of this school that their blood is the same color as everyone else's, please.
Fuck I read that as "can't".
Satanically racist
A Texas judge on Thursday said the Barbers Hill Independent School District can punish a Black student who wears his hair in long locs without violating Texas’ new CROWN Act, which is meant to prevent hairstyle discrimination in schools and workplaces
The mental gymnastics
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