You can use RSS feeds. They are there for this exact purpose. For example, you can get an RSS feed of /c/
by going to Then all links in the feed will always go to the post on instance.
Is there a way to do this without relying on a third party service?
We're talking about instances having feed content for other instances (on totally different domains), so anything helping with this case would be a "third party service".
Ok I didn't know if servers had the capability to show the same frontpage as another instance.
Here's an rss link of a single community:
I was looking for the rss link of another instance's community, as viewed from my own. So for example if my RSS reader notifies me of a post in /c/
, I could click the link and it would open it within the instance so that I may comment on it easily.
You might have to use one of those lemmy link plugins for that, bc lemmy's community rss feeds are meant to be for local communities, not federated ones.
In your regular browser, why not just subscribe and have your feed do the heavy lifting?
How do you subscribe to the frontpage of another server though? And where would that feed be located?
What I mean is, from your account you can subscribe to as many communities you like on any and every server and then it's just a matter of keeping a browser page open on
Yes but I wanted to see exactly what was on a specific server's frontpage without having to keep up to date with any and all subscribed (or not) communities that were on their frontpage.
Ah, fair enough. In that case, I think photon (the alternate Lemmy UI) allows you to see remote front pages in a graceful manner. Maybe give that a try.
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