Toss straws in the sea, save the cocaine industry
Btw turtles don't have fingers so u can safely keep throwing 50 bucks banknotes around they will not and I repeat they will not damage the environment...
In all seriousness, are straws even recyclable (in USA)? I thought it fell under "wish-cycling" where people put it in the recycling bin but it is not the type of plastic that can be recycled.
Hell if I know. All I know is I am nowhere near the ocean, so if my straws, 6 pack rings, or plastic bags are ending up there, SOMEONE FUCKED UP REALLY BIG AND IT WAS NOT ME.
Does nobody talk about this? "Make sure you cut up 6 pack rings so it doesn't trap marine life." Like that's the step we should be concerned about? Not how garbage gets dumped in the fuckin ocean?