Well the meeting wasn't too bad. Still got blamed for the inadequacy of the project team, but the heat was lower than expected thankfully ❤️
Edit: Just got a call for another job that pays 1/3rd more. Fuck it let's see what happens.
Well the meeting wasn't too bad. Still got blamed for the inadequacy of the project team, but the heat was lower than expected thankfully ❤️
Edit: Just got a call for another job that pays 1/3rd more. Fuck it let's see what happens.
That project team that you didnt even set up or have any control over? and thats been long established since before you joined? Classic management.
Bingo. That the head PM is mates with my manager is absolutely classic blame diversion.
Got my payslip.
Picking up the car on my birthday Saturday!
It's all coming up millhouse!
Also, a story in 2 photos:
Then meowing for my to get her down....
You softy. I would put a tin of salmon on the floor and walk away.
Bro rocked up last night finally to 'see' mum.
Just sat there and spoke about himself for 30mins.
Cunt. At least the old man is seeing him for who he really is now.
Pretty obvious won't be getting much help from bro.
Anyway so I've left the kitchen with a bit of a mess and I need to see what happens (I usually clean up). Pretty much testing severity / independence. I'm hoping I'll get a serve because that means she can see it, she can do it, how well she does it and mood which will be a good indication for steps that follow (for now). Low risk easy test.
Had one hell of a psych session... big emotions. Good session but the kind that you need to sit down and process for 30 minutes afterwards. I had thought I might pack my shoes and some other stuff tonight but it isn't happening. It's been a big week and more to come with the real move coming up.
I am not being lazy or weak, I am pacing myself 👍
Surprise! 1st strawberry from the patch this season. Was watering and thought.... hmmmm..... something red is hiding there. 🍓
Open mic is tomorrow at 9pm if anyone wants to come have a drink :)
Edit: I'm sorry I'm going to cancel. I've been dealing with this stomach bug all week and it's just gotten worse and worse.
Id rather not go, than give a lacklustre performance :(
Rest up man. We'll be there for the next one :)
Rest well buddy.
It's been a stressful week for you on top of being sick and I'm sure that's not helping you get better.
Look after yourself!
Interesting thing just happened. I was in the middle of writing a reply, but the time stamp said that I had responded 5 minutes ago. Yes, it was the time stamp for that reply. I checked.
This means that the DT is actually a portal that allows time travel into the future. Albeit not very much future. Not enough for stock market speculation, dammit.
Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Magpie meowed… I think I’ve been feeding them too much cat food.
my resident cyptid
ffs I have been banned for 3 days from one of the fossil reddits ..lol. Some nonce posts a picture of a blue rock he got from Blue Rock Beach and asks if it's a fossil.
It's a blue rock.
more reddit adventures
antivaxxer is harassing me
and horribly cruel mocking political post against a poor white woman , for her looks and race, is allowed to stand
I forgot to buy cheese on the way home from work. My life is over
Melbcat has been wrangled for her meds… she’s forgiven me and is now curled up as the little spoon
Little whiteboard fell of the wall at 3am and frightened the bejesus out of me.
Broken sleep. 😠
Good start to the day, Marketplace buyer showed up & was very friendly. I have a couple more that will hopefully show up today too - I'll have to convert all my cash to proper digital money soon! 💰 💰 💰
I'm really hoping some more cupboards sell soon, I'd like to be able to use my carport again. If any are remaining after this weekend I think I'll put them up free on the Buy Nothing group.
Went to pick up some extra food for a few days and came across some bargains
3kg bag of oranges for 5 dollars and a bag with 4 bunches of chinese broccoli or something for 2 bucks.
Felt like I made off like a bandit and has left me fairly happy with myself.
Also this afternoon was way smoother with almost no hassles compared to yesterday’s drama.
Edit: I also grabbed some red wine and pink moscato.
Waking up to the sound of rain, the rubbish truck and birds chirping.
What could be more Australian?
Oh and a fender bender at the top of my court. No one hurt but definitely both drivers were at fault.
is there a stomach bug going around? Kid got sent home with the shits yesterday but was in great spirits and wasnt on a hold so went back today and seems fine. Meanwhile I've got this feeling at the top of my stomach a bit like i wanna spew, but not quite? Had it for 3 days now, and it just comes and goes. not actual digestive changes however, its a bit weird. edit: feels like there is a rock at the top of my stomach.
Yeah man it's been about 3 days now and I'm utterly fucked. Running to the bathroom every 20 or so mins.
Fucking sucks.
I saw something on the other site with a graph regarding gastro cases in Australia (or Victoria) and there was huge upward spike recently.
This makes me want to touch the poles and buttons on the tram even less.
My girlfriend has been in bed all day with stomach problems so it feels true from my end
Gastro has been going nuclear of late, my son's kinder was just about deserted a few weeks back when it ripped through...
It’s going to be a blood agreement sandwich kinda day
Someone might take the big couch off me today. Please turn up this evening for the love of God. It would be such a relief.
Friend I met up with today said she doesn't drive because her ex crashed into a tree after she broke up with him and thought it was her fault. But she has spoken to me about driving on the ring road with her dad and driving to her sport practice. It's just that she needs a ride whenever I go out with her. Another friend wants me to pick up her too good to go box which is a 10 minute drive away. I feel iffy about saying yes because she constantly asks me to check if things are in stock for her at my work and asked me to help jump-start her car because she had no one else. I don't mind doing a nice thing for a friend, but I just feel like these people are using me.
Clients asking me if I can do their work for cheaper. No! I give you a fair price right up, this isn't a negotiation. Yet I feel the need to say, yes of course I can do it cheaper. Then I come across as a pushover and the next time I do work for them, they'll ask for cheaper again.
Afternoon buyer has not shown up ☹️
It is very rude, Mr Woof has been waiting for his afternoon walk. She confirmed she was coming just a couple of hours ago!
Left over beef ragu pasta for lunch and I am so excited. Hurry up, 1:30pm.
Also wondering at what point I'll snap and stop making sensible decisions and run away to Europe for a month.
sky blue, I did reading on the tram , got a new planner
and some art books
It was a successful trip. 🙂
It's literally raining here and it's not on the radar. 🫥
It is now raining harder.
What's everyone's favourite dessert?
If it's cake I'd say chocolate for me or black forest as long as it doesn't have cheese in it.
I also like making a bowl of jelly with fruits in it.
Tiramisu hands downnnnn
chocolate mousse or eton mess probably.
good vanilla ice cream with raspberry coulis
chocolate mousse
black forest cake with brandied cherries
Ugh, no luck with confirming the couch move so far (and tbqh I'm really tied for time tonight). I'm starting to think it won't happen and I'll have to move it to my friend's place.
Meanwhile I have at least confirmed the movers for Monday morning, that's a big tick. Think I'm just going to take the day off so I can clean up after and shit
Trying to play financial seer since our fixed mortgage term is up in December and we're trying to work out if we should lock in a two or five year rate in case it all goes to shit.
Musks antics are not helping
For some dumb reason I clicked on a spider IG. Now my IG is full of spider-related content.
Like BIG spiders…
And got the 3s all this morning. Added to the 3am fright:
Can we just not today. 😑
anyone else also turn the heater on out of sheer stubbornness rather than change out of shorts? I'm blaming the weather for being a tease. it got me in the mood and now its changed its mind? Too bad, I am wearing the shorts and I am going to enjoy it.
So Oporto are doing breakfast at the moment. Their stores open at 10 and breakfast goes until 11. Why have a whole line of food you only sell for an hour?
I put a book in my satchel, today I start reading on PT 👍
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