Your furniture is saved!
Er no. Mine have plenty of proper scratchies but the couch isn't safe.
I did a great job of making sure the bin was full and ready for collection, then fogot to actually take it to the curb. Now I have a bin full of such delights as chicken bones, cat litter and dog poo bags ready to marinade in the scorching heat of the weekend. 😭
On a positive note I have layer 1 of my lime and strawberry jelly jars poured and setting in the fridge.
The pest control man parked in front of my bin the other day. I had to run outside and move it down the street before they missed me
Cheers fellow degenerates 🥂
👋 🍺
Have made it to Tokyo!! A visit to Donki and I've made my first Mofusand purchase of the trip and set up an in room snack bar because we are wrecked. Overnight flight with lie flat seats, but less than 3 hours sleep.
If I buy energy jelly, does that count as me joining this cool crowd?
It sure does 🪼🍓🍇🍊🍋🟩
I have some pics from Castlemaine. Not touristy pics, just stuff I found interesting. 🙂
a gun captured from the Germans in wwi. There are so many war trophies and memorials from wwi it makes me think the war greatly effected this far from Europe town .
cute aussie planter at the entrance to the art gallery
awesome painting by Drysdale
my fave entrant in the Fox art competition. By Joel Arthur. Trees on a lake? I just love the colours and perspective.
A weird church. This town was full of distinctive architecture
old wwi ambulance parked on the main street
in case anyone needs to send a telegraph
a very weird flower in the botanical gardens . agave gigantea
the old train station . We heard kookaburras here. 🙂
Nice pics!
Cats are nap magnets.
my furry boi i love him so much
Screw you and the popularity of your local community, I don't need reminders that you're in summer while we haven't seen the sun in over a month 🥶🌧️☁️
We have a bit too much sun this week, can we send you some?
40°C tomorrow 😛
To be fair when it's 40 you'll find me in the shade ideally with a nice breeze or otherwise a fan, but still right now that sounds amazing... Pulls up blanket
Take some of this overnight heat away with you while you’re at it.
Skin cancer or chillblanes? Mmmm, decisions
Cheap telescope was predictably disappointing. My dad's old binoculars did a much better job, we could clearly see the dark side of the moon and the edges of craters! This old nerd was very excited 😊
Gonna play gin rummy with the man. Place your bets.
I put a cheap Kings Gazebo on the north side of the house yesterday morning.
We didn’t need to put on the AC at all!
Despite the builders best efforts, our Zero Energy designed house is doing pretty well.
We have an 80th Birthday Party here this arvo with 50ish guests. I think that we may need to turn the ACs on.
Ahhh i love the sound of junkies screaming all day. Probation ends on the 23rd of Jan. I'll be gone within 2 weeks of that date.
it's been bad around here 😖
Must be the time of year.
I messaged the landlord and let him know. I don't have a lease and am paying month to month so at least i won't have to pay anything to leave.
Cheers 🍺
I’ll be honest, given the choice between watching more wiggles, or going outside to sit in the sun and bake to a slow death….. I’d take outside.
Take your phone or tablet and watch cricket!
I’ve had a bowl of tortellini and I think it’s time for bed
Jeez temporary fillings are fragile. I was doing so well, eating jelly and vanilla pudding, not in much pain at all. Then last night I was dissolving a peppermint in my mouth while watching videos… Forgot for a second - and chewed it. /facepalm
Thankfully they got me in today and fixed it. They’re gems.
I’m now trying to train myself to eat crackers on the other side only and bought some soft fondant bananas 🧽🍌
(The mints went in the bin because I can’t be trusted)
The man's cleaning the garage out. The dog's at the door whining so I let him out to investigate then he stands in the middle getting in the way. I let him back in and he's back to whining again. I'll chuck the man a coffee here and there because I'm supportive.
Getting a nice long walk in now seeing as I won't be leaving the house for the next 2 days. Except for cat duties.
This is our rules. 10 cards each. If you pick up from the middle you've gotta pick them all up. And if you pick them up then you've gotta put down 4 of a kind. That's it.
Second layer of jelly has been poured. I'm ready to take on the weekend now. As long as I don't have to go outside. And as long as the power doesn't fail.
Good morning. I’ve just had a croissant, which feels like a very luxurious start to a work day
The battle wagon is in good hands now. Should only take a week to repair. It’s getting more difficult to find parts for my car these days but the sensors shouldn’t be a problem. I’m now in a Kia hatchback something.
You know those dreams in which you try to run, but it’s like the floor is thick goo? That’s what driving this Kia is like.
I somehow managed to go to yoga with my leggings back to front and didn't notice until I got home. Whoops.
Now that I'm home I'm going to copy you lot and jump on the jelly train. I haven't made jelly in yonks. And then kick back with cricket all arvo.
I felt peer pressured. I've made raspberry jelly. Youse all happy now.
so tired,
good night everyone, sweet dreams 😘😘😘
I think I'll make some jelly too. Might add some frozen strawberries ~~for a bit of a health kick~~
Let's goooo!!!!! 🏏💖
Oh yeah... Just confirmed I have the flu and wondering what I can watch to entertain me until this fever goes away. This is perfect
Got woken up by the junkies having a door slamming and screaming competition.
I'm so over this shit. 2k a month to deal with this is an absolute joke.
Set up a cheap telescope Miniest got for Xmas. She wanted to know what that bright light in the western sky was and I told her I thought it was Venus. She insisted we set it up and take a look tonight. I don't hold much hope for a great view but it should be interesting anyway.
Edit for vague direction of bright light.
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