Since I plan to be a zombie, i really don’t need to answer this silly question.
Move to a supermarket fulfillment centre. Probably live there until the rotting food stinks the place out, then load up a truck with canned food and see where the road takes me. Probably somewhere in the hills with a low population density.
Places like that are generally considered one of the most dangerous locations to go to because so many others have the same idea. Desperate people are even more dangerous than zombies. Stores, malls and gas stations are probably the number one hotspots during the first months.
Depends on the initial level of fatalities.
Zombie Survival
Discussion about the hypothetical scenario of a zombie apocalypse.
Unless stated otherwise, by zombie we're refering to The Walking Dead -kind of undead creature.
Serious discussion only.
Header by ThomasJakeRoss @ Deviantart