Thanks @vext01
Wait, you can change the scales of the Swiss Army knives?
Not sure if sarcasm, but just in case -> Yes you can. I bought the set from here:
Then I just warmed the old scales using a hairdryer (I did not want to risk damaging the old scales) and then used a flat screwdriver to carefully detach the scales. And then you press on the new scales with a vise (but with a cloth or cardboard in between to avoid damaging the new scales).
I honestly wasn't aware you can change them.
Thanks so much for the product link and how-to, @Gorroth !
Yes. Yes you can!
I recently modified mine. Used a heat gun to expand the plastic and then a spudger to carefully lever the plastics off of their mounts.
Used a (padded) clamp to close the new scales back on.
Thanks @vext01
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