I'd recognize Cubone anywhere, but I have no idea what these items are and I've never read or heard any of the words you used in this post.
Ahaha yeah, they're definitely very made-up looking. FLF is the two rings with the rainbow bands, the Crease is the blue hex nut looking thing, the begleri are the beads on the paracord, and the metaltoyz is the amber slider. With the exception of the cubone patch, they're all either fidgets or skill toys
Ah, I had a feeling it was some sort of fidget but I couldn't be sure. This is one of those posts that remind me how much I've aged.
I had no idea what he was talking about either
But yeah they’re definitely niche so I can understand why it looks like a keyboard smash
My apologies :)
All good!
I love how you matched the colors of these objects. There's something really satisfying about it.
Thank you, I’m glad you noticed cos that’s what I was going for 😄
Where is that metal bracelet from? Looks awesome.
Aroundsquare, their Nano MKUltras
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