it'd be nice if Lemmy had a wiki page for communities...
Maybe we can add individual pages to awesome-lemmy listing individual features that are interesting.
Another option is that enables listing pros and cons of software and voting on them and the software itself, I added a question here so feel free to add options , the website is closed source but currently i am not aware of a better open source option (maybe we can ask libRate to add this functionality).
I wish there was an Addon bundling a lot of those userscripts with an option to turn them on and off separately RES is really missing :/
Is there an easy way to make modern team work for Chrome?
Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts
A general repository for user scripts and plugins used to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience.
Post (or cross-post) your favorite Lemmy enhancements here!
General posting suggestions:
- Preface the submission with the type of enhancement - ex: [UserScript].
- Include a screenshot of the enhancement in use (where possible)
- Indicate the requirements for use (eg, greasemonkey, stylus, etc.)