Well I mean the chance that a person you see that resembles a celebrity actually is the celebrity is pretty low. At least they noticed the similarity, and of course she is older now, why should you be mad about it. I'd take it as a compliment
Tbf, we have no idea how she took it. This doesn't offer any context what so ever. She could have been laughing for all we know. Honestly, based on her actions in the past, that seems much more likely.
That's true. This headline suggests that this would be unusual and upsetting, but she probably has this experience almost daily and doesn't really care much or is happy about it and enjoys it
Why would you think the headline suggests that at all? It absolutely isnt necessary to do that at all.
I interpreted the headline to be tongue in cheek, a joke.
She (and Angela Kinsey) discussed this on a recent episode of Office Ladies, and it’s clear that she wasn’t offended, just relayed it as a funny anecdote.
Turns out, the world has more kevins than what we are proun to admit
Who goes around telling people they look like an old version of anyone
"This is a photo of me when I was younger."
"Every photo of you is a photo of you when you were younger."
RIP Mitch.
You look like an older version of me. I look like shit.
Me: casually time travels
Also me: "you look like an older version of me"
Don't quote me on this, but older shit looks better than new shit. It's less smelly also.
Tony Hawk, like the video game character, right? /s
They’re not wrong. Those kids, they’re sharp.
Heh, it’s like when people see photos of Nirvana and ask “Is that guy related to Dave Grohl?”
Or Tony Hawk. Pretty sure one of the interactions he had to provide ID and they even remarked that he had the same name.
My favourite one of his many such encounters was when a server at a restaurant asked him WHY he's Tony Hawk 😂
"Are you the father of Joey?"
Ahhhh the cognitive capabilities the youth nowadays
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