I like Feeder. Straightforward UI with no bullshit.
Feeder or Read You
I like Miniflux and there are several apps you can use to interface.
I used to try and self host RSS but all of them had something I didn't like so now I pay $5/month for Feedbin and I've ever been happier. Works great with Focus Reader on Android.
Honestly, I'm now looking for the opposite. I started with Feeder on mobile and FeedReader on web (browser extension), but as I find new RSS feeds or look at posts, the use doesn't sync. So I'm constantly exporting/importing my feeds and looking at content I've already seen.
Does anyone have recommendations for FOSS RSS options that ARE cloud based? @raptir@lemm.ee, was inoreader decent and did you just want a local option?
Inoreader is decent. I just don't like how many features are locked behind a subscription. And some don't make sense - downloading articles to your own device requires a subscription. I'm totally fine with features that actually put load on their server requiring a subscription, but downloading an article vs reading it live certainly does not.
I've used Feedly and Inoreader. Both are decent cloud options but the prompts to get their subscriptions are annoying (on desktop).
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