Thank you for the post and dotfiles. I'm doing my first rice rn and your files showed me what I was trying to do.
I just want to say that I remember hearing that i3-gaps is now pointless because i3 now supports gaps, having merged them from the i3-gaps fork.
Any recommendations for video tutorials on how to do this
There are bunch of them. I preferred to start configuring those components by reading and trying to understanding how does the various configurations work. Then I took a look at the ricings I liked and started from them. For every piece of ricing, there is a default configuration where you can start to edit.
Neovim was the hardest to understand (and I'm sure I did something wrong or useless), and also for it there are a lot of useful resources on the web, I can't really raccomend one or another, but again, I avoided every video tutorial just because I prefer to read.
Start with one component and start ricing!
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