Dude. You gotta calm down. No one is diagnosing you with anything. You asked a question, and we're all answering it. No need to be a dick. We're all mates here.
Saw this on Sunday. I think it fits here...
Ok, good. I thought I was the only one who saw this connection. It's not that the police are against facial recog or that they don't want the NFL or anyone else to use it, it's that they're aware of the privacy degradation it causes, and don't want themselves (the police workers of the event) subjected to it. It's fine if we, the attendees, are subjected to it, just not them. Oh, what a world.
My only gripe with signal, is the use of phone numbers as usernames. Not everyone with whom I want to communicate via signal has a phone number. I understand why they went this route, but wish there was an alternative way.
While crude, there is a whole economic concept around this.
Stop threatening, and just cancel already.
What happened to the vigor of society's cancel culture? Why are we not canceling corporate abuse like this? Or Microsoft's? Or Google's? Or Amazon's? Did we forget about cancel culture? Or are we just fine with being pawns in their dystopian capitalist games? Cancel culture had the potential to make real change, and we allowed corporations to cancel cancel culture for their capital gains.
That's not true. Try also destroyed really good things, like the internet as a whole.
and there’s no way to opt out
Allow me to show you a way to opt out
iiuc, wf is not saying that customers can't wear BLM masks. They don't want to show a political stance and, as a result, don't want BLM masks worn by their employees, because that could be misconstrued as wf or Amazon taking a political stance. I can understand that. However, they, then, must ban ALL shows of politics in their store by them and their employees, and that includes LGBTQIA+ stuff. Otherwise, they're just banning BLM stuff, which will be ~~mis~~construed (notice the crossed out 'mis') as them taking a political stance against black folks.
Interesting that you're doing a search engine comparison, and not add google into that comparison. Also, there are no sources at all, so we can't verify any of it, and I know that some of that data is incorrect. Sources would help us (the end user) determine whether our data is incorrect or yours is incorrect due to poor sources. Leaving out the sources, means this chart is actually rather pointless, because it can't be verified (as correct or incorrect).
E: also, ignoring cloudflare with this statement and zero explanation, removes author credibility. Either explain exactly why "cloudflare so who cares lol" or don't include that section at all.
This chart reminds me of this, which was actually quoted in a presentation as an actual quote...
Go to Manage Notifications, and turn Suggestions off. Suggestions is what Microsoft calls ads.
Put the gun away and throw that cpp book in the bin, fool. I brought The Linux Kernel Programming Guide, which is in C, and my own socks, which are wool. Now let's gets crackin.