I think you mean "$EDITOR". Gotta have that variable expansion.
Vance is so creepy people didn't even bother to check if he really wrote about fucking a couch.
Nailed it. Pre-Trump era I would have frantically searched for a source. These days my expectations from the Republicans are so unbelievably low.
BS. I totally agree with you.
I have to run the .ps1 script in a new Command Prompt because the compilation takes a few minutes
I don't follow this reasoning. Is it because you don't want to take over the VSCode terminal with a long command? Couldn't you can open multiple tabs, or run in the background, or use screen/tmux, etc.?
"Lied" implies intent, which is a very squishy subject. I'd prefer they stick to just the facts, please. I'm no lawyer, but I suspect you might be asking for libel suits if you claim somebody lied and can't actually prove that they did so intentionally.
We're very sorry, but not in a way that affects our bottom line, so, ya know... deal with it?
Just be thankful you don't have to save a WordPerfect document to a 3.5" floppy and mail it to the court
They mean that the photographer paid them $248
Even that would be technically incorrect. I believe you could put an A record on a TLD if you wanted. In theory, my email could be me@example
Another hole to poke in the single dot regex: I could put in fake@com.
with a dot trailing after the TLD, which would satisfy "dot after @" but is not an address to my knowledge.
True, but our society is generally okay with this when people break the law.
Oh yeah, well my direct relative flies the blue one.
Teach your kids to play music with
cat /dev/fd0 >/dev/snd