If she was a good billionaire, she wouldn't have hoarded wealth to this degree! Yes, Bezos is 200x worse, but I would bet (less than $1B) that she will catch up in the next decade and we'll all still be apologizing for her.
riverSpirit is a time traveler and forgot that Michelle wasn't elected yet
If the video was 30 fps, sounds like two frames
Kamala, if you're reading this, please stop. Listen to your real advisors.
Correct, horse. ~(Battery~ ~staple.)~
I didn't have this context. I always thought it was really heartless how people turned it into a meme. Honestly, it still isn't funny to me. Guess you had to be there.
SELECT food FROM menu WHERE name LIKE 'Fried %';
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /usr/lib
Think like an MBA... put boy shows on Hisney and girl shows on Hersney. Oh, and Hersney should be pink and cost 20% more.
The editor would need to start counting lines at zero.
The concept of gaslighting has been diluted beyond recognition. It used to mean lying to someone with the goal of making them question their own sanity. Now, it just means lying.
Democracy dlweaks in darkness