They do the splits too, not a joke:
Very cool bird. :)
They do the splits too, not a joke:
Very cool bird. :)
Forcing people back to office, firing thousands of tech workers... Yeah I don't see why people don't love working for these guys. Nobody wants to work!
Let's all go to the office for the "collaboration" and team spirit. We are all a family here. :)
The Musk tells people to sleep on the factory floor, that's how much he cares about people.
The real outrage is big tech clouds like amazon taking open source software for free and bundling it up in AWS services that cost a lot of money.
If they would contribute back to the authors, they would become rich, but of course not....
Yeah it's nice to upvote and comment here to show activity since we aren't that many. :)
Privacy Sandbox from fucking Google... Lol.
That's like a terrorist offering protection services.
It's so funny that having a different theme makes the computer hard to use for some parents. :)
Those people drive cars on the road!
Depressing actually. Future generations will look up and see shitty satellites.
This happens all the time. Companies are bleeding money into the air every second to aws, but they have enough money to not care much.
AWS really was brilliant in how they built a cloud and how they marketed everything as "pay only for what you use".
I would use it if it was self hosted and separate from big tech, but using these services when big tech is watching, huge no.
When an individual builds something on the web, it's for the pleasure of building and seeing it being used by people.
When a corporation builds something, it's to exploit the user, lock them in, spy on them etc.
This is why Lemmy is such a breath of fresh air, in this web where corporations control all the big sites.
I'm not too worried. Graphs dont only go up. :)
Could also be tracking and monitoring, I think those counts as Microsoft features.
Supporting the creators, yeah, because thats what Google built their empire on top of.
Caring about people.