[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 3 points 2 days ago

I literally started due to lemmy posts. I just went in order and watched TOS and TNG. Now I'm going through DS9. I'm really glad I did, because it's amazing!

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 15 points 5 days ago

Black metal as a genre. I could not believe that anyone seriously listened to that. It was either random noise or actually scary stuff (I am the black wizards actually scared me for some reason lol). But after enough exposure and playing Freezing moon myself, I actually got to enjoy it to the point where now I listend to black metal 80% of the time.

In the same vein, "Sons of Winter and Stars" by Wintersun was so unharmonized and terrible to me when I first listened to it, but after a few listens it became one of my favourite songs

submitted 3 weeks ago by AccountMaker@slrpnk.net to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

MetaGer, the privacy-focused search engine of the non-profit association SUMA-EV, will no longer exist in its familiar form. It will still be possible to use the token-financed service. Nothing will change for members and users who use MetaGer with a key. However, it is the ad-financed search that has ensured the main part of the revenue and thus the operation and further development. Unfortunately, this “normal” search is no longer possible as of today. This is just as dramatic as it sounds: it is no longer possible for SUMA-EV to continue to employ staff. All employees are being made redundant, as are the offices.

The reason is that Yahoo terminated our contracts unilaterally and without any notice on Monday. Upon request, we were merely informed that Yahoo would no longer be operating the business in Germany. For us as the operator of MetaGer, this means on the one hand that we no longer receive any advertising revenue, which has been used to pay for office space, servers and employees. On the other hand, we will also no longer be able to deliver our search results as part of the ad-financed search. Only with Yahoo did we have a central deal to receive search results in return for advertising. This no longer applies.

What happens now? MetaGer's supporting association, SUMA-EV, will continue to exist. It will also still be possible to buy a key for the token-financed search and search with MetaGer. With this model, MetaGer will still be able to query paid search engines and deliver the results without tracking as usual. We will also continue to work for SUMA-EV and MetaGer on a voluntary basis to ensure the operation of this small niche, but this will of course be on a very small scale and not what MetaGer is all about. MetaGer-Maps can also no longer be operated in this context. The plans to become bigger and to one day provide a really good alternative to “the big players” with its own index (or European index) have of course died with this termination by Yahoo. And that is what is really sad.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 39 points 1 month ago

Exactly my experience. I often heard stories of vegans being like that, but I never ever saw it so I thought it was just made up to belittle vegans.

Then I joined lemmy and found out that I'm apparently in favour of massacres, slavery and rape because I consume meat/milk/eggs from time to time.

I imagine the vast majority of vegans just go about their lives and resprectfully discuss the ethics of animal consumption when the topic comes up, but these loud militant members really make vegans look bad and they sure as hell make it so that even less people consider going vegan

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 25 points 1 month ago

You might be thinking of this:


Where he mentioned that the desktop is unique in that it has to support thousands of different devices for all kinds of people, and that most people don't really care what their computer is running as long as it works.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 82 points 1 month ago

This image always comes to mind:

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 23 points 8 months ago

About two years ago I stared into the void. I didn't have any real problems in life, but my job was boring as hell and my colleagues were always constantly negative, depressing and whined about everything, which affected my mindset after months upon months of that.

Freshly out of university, the job (which I couldn't leave due to contacts) sucked out my every hope and dream of having a fulfilling career where I'd have an impact on the world. I felt so useless. To make matters worse I fell in love at that time.

One day I vaguely felt bad, got home, sat down and started crying like crazy. Life felt so meaningless. Not my life specifically, but life as a concept. I could change my life, but to what purpose? I sincerely felt regret for ever having been born and existence felt like a cruel joke, it was all vanity, pain, and at the end you die without even feeling the relief of it being over since you would be gone. It was a feeling of meaninglessness where even doing something about it was as meaningless as doing nothing.

The next day I had another crying session, didn't eat anything the whole day as well. And in the evening I remembered how Seneca wrote that nothing bad happens to good people since those "bad" moments are the only time we get to show our virtues. Didn't really fix the basic problem of meaninglessness, but it did reinvigorate me. Reading Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus" also got me to handle the absurd better. But the moment I got out of the whole ordeal altogether was about 8 months later when I realized that I was very much pushed to such a state by my colleagues, and that I yearned for some sort of warmth and comfort from others. But nobody has really ever shined for me, I realized that I had to be my own light and that I should not do things to earn other's approval, but for me (this does not mean being selfish, according to Platonic and Aristotelian ethics, doing morally good deeds is for the benefit of the doer). I've been fine since then.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 19 points 10 months ago

I actually did this once. My USB was on /dev/sda instead of sdb and I didn't bother to check. It took me like 2 days to fix it because you can't just delete partitions and start over normally, it changes some flags on your drive that you need to manually reset for them to be usable again. Fun times.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 24 points 1 year ago

Very relatable. I started leaving food for some local magpies about a year ago, and now they wake me up every morning at 6.

I once had a problem when suddenly some tits arrived and started stealing all the food. A huge magpie would take like one hazelnut and be on its way, while these small fuckers would eat like pigs, and then hide what was left. They'd take the nuts and shove them somewhere between the flowers on my balcony. Tough the magpies too have often burried nuts in the soil below the flowers, only to dig them out again.

And it was so cool to watch some sparrow coming and going a dozen times to pull out some weeds that have been growing (I left the pots with the flowers outside over winter, the flowers died and weeds started to grow), and then carry them to a hole in a wall where a brick is missing which presumably is the nest.

But it was so so cool when I got woken up a few days in succession to a silhouette of a majestic crow standing on my balcony (my bed looks directly through the balcony window facing north-east). Crows are so cool, and magpies are really beatutiful, though extremely skittish.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 109 points 1 year ago

I still remember when I tried to run a binary on a different architecture and got the message: "Bad elf magic"

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 27 points 1 year ago

Except when I start a 10h build before going home only to find out in the morning that windows update restarted my computer in the middle of the night. Or when I can't edit a folder because a file "is being used", then I close absolutely every running program and it's still somehow "being used". Or when I can't turn off the PC because something is running in the background, even though I closed everything one by one. Or when my PC starts screaming because a VSCode subprocess is using all my resources, I kill it in task manager, and it somehow respawns as a process of its own. I can't end it, and closing VSCode doesn't do anything. My laptop became so hot I couldn't hold it.

I mean Linux causes problems too, ofc. I once spent like 2h trying to set up a keyboard to input Chinese characters on Fedora. But in my experience, Linux caused me less frustration by far. Or when a problem arises, I can fix it quickly.

This is not to bash on you for using windows, just thought I'd throw in that "just works" isn't universal.

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 49 points 1 year ago

When my dad and grandpa were teaching me how to play chess, they told me that the knight moves in a "G" pattern. I could not for the life of me figure out how a G maps to what they showed me, so I figured out that it goes one diagonal, and then eitger one up if the diagonal was up, one down if it was down and the same reasoning for left and right. That's still how I visualize it.

Years later I realized that they meant the cyrillic G, which looks like this: Γ...

[-] AccountMaker@slrpnk.net 24 points 1 year ago

You can find the answer in the second book of Virgil's Aeneid. But tldr:

The Trojans thought that the greeks have left, they went to their camps and found a huge wooden horse. Some wanted to bring the horse into the city, others wanted to burn it, others still wanted to open the stomach and see what was inside, since they thought that it was a trap. A man called Lacoön rushed and yelled at them that the greeks would never gift them anything (that's where the famous saying "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" comes from), and he threw a spear at the horse, and they heard that something was inside.

But then, some Trojans brought forth a Greek captive named Sinon. He told them that the Greeks wanted to leave for ages, but the winds wouldn't let them. To appease the gods for good winds, they have chosen to sacrifice him, but he somehow got away. The horse was built to atone for the sins commited by Diomedes and Odysseus (they stole a statue of Athena), and it was built higher than the Trojan walls to prevent the Trojans from bringing the horse into the city, for if they bring it in, Troy will conquer Greece.

Then two giant snakes appeared, killed Lacoön and his kids, and then they slithered away to hide behind a statue of Athena. The Trojans understood this as a punishment for Lacoön since he threw a spear at the horse, and that they needed to bring the horse back to the temple of Athena. They then demolished parts of their gate to make room for the horse, heard metal ringing from the inside as they were pulling it, but didn't think much of it. They celebrated the end of the war, went to sleep at nightfall and the rest is ~~history~~ mythology.

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