A girl I was seeing asked me what I liked about her and I drew a complete blank. There was plenty to like about her, but when put on the spot I couldn't think of a single thing to say. I don't blame her for leaving me not too long after that.
I'm liking it so far, it's pretty educational given that I know next to nothing about Japanese prisons. Horrific situations that are thinly coated over with cuteness are my jam, but I get why some people might think it's tasteless. If it's making you miserable, don't read the notes in chapter 3 about 'reflection rooms'.
I would punch JFK in the face right as he's getting shot so it looks like I hit him so hard that his head exploded.
joined 4 years ago
Buying speed from a dealer who was advertising on Craigslist. It all went fine, but that doesn't stop it from being a bad idea.