Looking at the Steam store page of this game doesn't make me want to play this at all. This is just a gut reaction and I don't know why I feel like this, and I don't want to spend the time to try and figure it out. But there must be something wrong with the game or the presentation of it.
-f "[height=1080]"
What exactly does it matter to be stuck with old emojis? Why is it important for them to be perfectly uniform?
Found a woman that is exactly as weird and different as I am, which I thought was impossible, I was already fine with staying romantically alone my whole life :)
Using kde-connect for that, works really nicely cross platform.
Also inb4 “Discord community server - no thanks” :D
I mean there's probably people out there, but who'd want to do more meaningless, non-interesting quests? The fact that there's infinite quests that can be generated does not mean all of those will be good quests, there's infinite ways to arrange letters but only a few specific ones worth reading.
I don't want to shit on the mod maker or anything, and I also haven't tried the mod out, but I simply can't imagine that with our current technology it's possible to generate any larger amount of fun side-quests. You'd probably do one or two of every "type" the mod maker came up with, and then you're done. That might be the intention, but in that case, this is definitely not "news-worthy".
But also maybe I'm just too negative...
Most often this happens because the user runs some other addon/blocker that interferes with ublock (or gets detected). It's important to test with only ublock active and see if the problem persists, and if not, to slowly enable more and more to see what is causing the issues.
I mean there's no way to "salvage" it, because buying $300 worth of books for intolerant book burning you don't really believe in does reveal you to actually have no principles and to want do a lot just to be liked.
The best thing to say is to explain exactly that and genuinely express that you understand it is a problem and you're working on it, which of course anon couldn't because there's no indication of this level of self-awareness.
But if they would, they might still be shunned, but it is very unlikely imo. Good people understand trauma and appreciate trying to work through it.
What he means is that, in olden days, videos would just keep buffering until the whole video was loaded. Now it's only at most the next ~1min, no more. You were able to see the grey bar thingie go all the way to the end.
You missed the most important thing. Real estate investments that aren't allowed to go down in value, which they would if offices became superfluous. Just imagine how many buildings would become "worthless"/could be used for something else.
Me and my best friend of 10 years still talked regularly, but kept spending less time together. We talked about relationships a lot and basically both agreed that marriage is not really necessary for a successful relationship and that marrying is too easy to be dangerous in the sense that if it doesn't work out, you're likely going to be paying for the other person's lifestyle for no reason whatsoever.
Apparently we didn't though, because at one point he came out with that he has been seeing a girl the last few weeks and is going to marry her in a few weeks. I and the rest of his friends were like "um, we're happy for you, but are you sure you know who this person is and that you literally want to spend the rest of your life with her? It's only been a few weeks since you met her".
He didn't answer and blocked us all and completely disappeared. Last I heard they did have the wedding a few weeks later, dunno what happened after that. It was his first girlfriend ever, btw.
People who would start co-ops are usually decent and don't care about profits that much. They wouldn't exploit their workers or other obvious strategies that would put profit more important than wellbeing.
All the companies that don't care about this have much less costs. Thus the companies that don't care about morality can offer lower prices than the co-ops, and since most customers care about that more than anything else, the co-ops are driven out of business much more often.