dude your still here replying and just repeating what somebody else already said you cant even find your own shit to say. nobody cares dude you are just projecting like the other dude acting like anybody cares about this. why even reply to a jumble of words then. its fucking stupid. oh and i really really really really care about your reply just to make that clear i take that shit very seriously like i take the internet very seriously so go ahead and entertain me.
yes of course that's why its 3 weeks later and not after your reply because i care so much very logical. why would anybody reply when they feel like it when they log back in. very smurt.
yes i used the term "grammar Nazi" do you even know what it means? you seem to be confused. Maybe get better
you should not care about the ticks.
that only makes it more funny to me. i did think that the later part of what i said would be a clue.
that was sarcasm
can you install other app stores on lenovo tablets. f droid has ffupdater for browsers
its also more specific to generating electricity. even in Agriculture there is a limit to what you can get out of the ground.
never use solar panels for side walks its a stupid idea. and there is a reason why solar panels are placed at angle and not flat on the ground.
its about what you need and what you can produce. you can produce more then what you need.
the only thing that will last forever is the file itself physical media cd.s only last for like 15 years 20 at most you need to get the files of the medium only then will it last forever. physical media is only temporary before you know it you cant play it anymore.
i reply because i get notifications of reply's so i reply that's the fun part of having account and i think it might be the whole purpose of this site. i use the functions of the site to do what the site is for. im not saying i speak gibberish you are that's not my problem. i don't hate Grammar Nazis i just see them for what they are a distraction. a distraction that can be funny but still a distraction. yes of course i will that's the whole point if it keeps being funny and entertaining. oh i do love the reply conspiracy.