[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 19 points 1 month ago

Well, ideally you're choosing your license based on the cases where it differs from others and not the majority of times where it doesn't make a difference.

Someone aiming to make Free software should use a copyleft license that protects the four freedoms, instead of hoping people abide by the honor system.

Also, no one can 100% accurately predict which of their projects will get big. Sure, a radical overhaul of TCP has good odds, but remember left-pad? Who could have foreseen that? Or maybe the TCP revision still never makes it big: QUIC and HTTP/3 are great ideas, and yet they are still struggling to unseat HTTP/2 as the worldwide standard.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 18 points 4 months ago

aside from leaving them behind

Why are we conforming to fit the software's needs instead of vice-versa? Fuck the devs who can't be assed to make it work for proton at the least. This isn't my job, I'm not being paid to use software that goes against my values. There's tens of thousands of games out there and I'm gonna let myself get so hung up on the few hundred that don't work that i just go back to m$?

Fuck. That. They deserve to get left behind. No piece of media is worth compronising on my values to consume.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 19 points 4 months ago

What do you recommend I do about disk partitions?

I recommend using defaults unless you do disk-level backups, or plan on switching disks/partitions between systems (you can put your whole /home dir on a NAS, but should you?)

I’m keeping a Windows install for the few things that demand it, does Windows still occasionally destroy Linux partitions?

Yes*. Many such cases.

*there's always a reason why it was preventable (as the top comment on that post explains), but c'mon... Really?

Do I need separate partitions for data and OS?

Probably not, for reasons I explained above

Is it straightforward to add additional distros as new partitions or is that asking for trouble?

It's straight-forward-ish. It will require deviating from installer defaults, and depends on how interconnected you want the OSes to be.

This is actually a good reason to get into partitioning shenanigans, if you'll use all the distros regularly, and you want them to have shared access to certain folders (e.g. /root, /var, /home, /tmp, /etc, etc). I recommend turning everything (except windows, /boot and /boot/efi) into logical volumes with LVS to avoid space issues when you can't extend a partition sandwiched in between two others.

By default, /boot and /boot/efi should be their own partitions--/boot should be created for Linux, and Linux will use the EFI partition created by micro$oft--and I'd recommend giving /boot N times the default amount of space (N being the number of distros you plan on keeping in rotation at any given time); this shouldn't eat up too much space, Debian gave me 500 MB for /boot. The reason being /boot carries the kernel images for each and every OS, and often duplicates thereof for rescue backups.

Is disk encryption straightforward? And is that likely to upset the Windows partition?

Yes it's easy with LUKS. Full disk encryption encrypts everything, and that will likely upset windows, idk haven't tried on my dual-boot.

Is cloud storage sync straightforward? It’s my off-site backup solution on Android and Windows (using Cryptomator with Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) but I don’t think that many providers have Linux clients. Is something like rclone recommended?

Yes, if you use a DE with it integrated. Otherwise, it's up to you to choose the right software, rclone looks like a good choice to me, but I have not used it

Should I just use apt to install software? I know there’s some kind of graphical package manager (synaptic?), does that use apt under the covers or is it separate?

synaptic is no longer used iirc. It's just called "Software Manager," but yes, I believe it's just a GUI for apt. I personally prefer doing as much as I can with the command line. Not only is it the simplest, most straightforward way of achieving whatever I'm trying to do, it's usually also the quickest and best documented. YMMV

Is it recommended to install something like Flathub too?

My experience has been to avoid non-defaults as much as possible. If there's a software you can only get as a flatpak and you need that and can't make do with an alternative, then do it. Otherwise, just see what you can do with the apt repositories

Any other pearls of wisdom? ... Any warnings about what not to do?

I could spend a few hours digging up every mistake I made and telling you what not to do, but I'd rather focus on giving you the tools to clean up after yourself when you make your own. The one best piece of advice I can give is "keep at it." There will be times when you shoot yourself in the foot and your options are to give up and lose the foot or do foot surgery right then on your own (with the help of the online community ofc). Don't be afraid to ask questions everywhere or anywhere, don't let assholes dissuade you from enjoying your Linux your way or seeking help doing so, and do read the docs. But most importantly, do keep trying; it's such a rewarding feeling.

Another would be to change as little as possible from a known working configuration at a time. Go with installer defaults as much as you can, change the stuff later. Want to try out new software? Try one new thing and get it working and looking how you envision before moving on. Read the docs so you don't take any settings for granted, that way you're not left with something that's passable instead of exactly what you want.

Make backups. Get a second SSD or an external drive and backup your system. Things like /usr, /etc, /root, and /home at the very minimum. Backups are the best way to unfuck your foot when you inevitably shoot it.

Learn the coreutils. You might not use them daily, but you'll be glad you know they're there when you need them and don't have to install extraneous software that isn't well maintained because it's a redundancy of the most common pieces of linux software.

How do I keep everything tidy?

Learn the FHS. As with most documentation, it's a bit dry, but very enlightening and will automatically put you in the top 10% of linux users with your newfound special knowledge.

There are some automatic file organizers, but you can recreate them yourself to suit your exact needs at 1/10th the resource cost using bash scripts.

Sidebar: another good piece of advice, learn to script in Bash. It basically immediately qualifies you to be a *nix sysadmin, and it makes everything automatable. It's so much easier than downloading new software or compiling a git repo for each individual task you want to automate. Additionally, it helps to learn to use cron, to run the scripts automatically, and to learn a command-line text editor (no, nano does not count)--but those're mostly just for efficiency boost, the big timesaves are in learning to script first and foremost.

As with any skill, the common wisdom is to "choose a project you want to make, then learn the skill by making it." So it's not a bad idea to learn scripting by, say, writing a script that detects files of a certain format in a directory tree and moving them elsewhere. E.g. check ~/Downloads and all of its subfolders for files ending in .jpg, then move them to ~/Pictures/JPGs (and make the directory if it's not already there). This should give you a good chance to practice file operations and string manipulation/parsing. After that, learn how to have cron run it once a week or something.

Should I use a particular terminal emulator or Firefox fork?

This just falls under my "probably best to stick with defaults and branch out later" advice, but:

I use terminator, purely because it has a logger plugin (which saves all input and output, including stderr, into a file if I'm doing something that needs that much documenting). I'd say learn to use tmux at some point as well, but that's just because I like moving my hand between keyboard and mouse as little as possible.

As for firefox, vanilla has always worked for me. It's not private enough for some people, so they will recommend something like LibreWolf or even Tor. On my laptop (which is completely keyboard driven so I can avoid using a touchpad) I use qutebrowser; it's not as full-featured (i wouldn't use it for video streaming), but it avoids using a mouse.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 19 points 6 months ago

they've been doing this since 10 and "featured apps"

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 16 points 7 months ago

Hijacking this because you're top comment and everyone is talking about the origin of the term (the thing you load into a projector back in the days of physical slides), but no one's answering the actual question as intended:

"Slide Deck" is the term used for the series of slides shown during a presentation, but "Presentation" refers to the whole performance, including non-slide elements like speeches and demos

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago

I prefer to stick to FireFox, thanks.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 18 points 8 months ago

A lot of these replies have high hopes for 5 year olds

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 17 points 8 months ago

Finally! Now I can finally have a voice recorder spy on me!

That's what I was missing back in the 90s, playing with a portable tape recorder without any strangers eavesdropping on everything I said. Isn't tevhnology grand!

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 16 points 8 months ago

There's so many good Mr. Rogers quotes. What a wholesome human. I'm sad I wasn't around to witness the height of his cultural relevance, but the beauty of him and his teachings were their timelessness. May his work be immortalized.

PBS had so many kind, gentle people working to remind us that there is love, kindness and hope in the world if we just take time to make room for it.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

people are always going to be floating ways to save capitalism in the face of communities privileging freedom over greed.

this completely misses the point of free software, and fails to solve the problems Mr. Perens identifies with Open Source. He claims it fails to serve the "common person" (end users) and then proposes a solution that serves... only devs.

Open Source has completely failed to serve the common person. For the most part, if they use us at all they do so through a proprietary software company's systems, like Apple iOS or Google Android, both of which use Open Source for infrastructure but the apps are mostly proprietary... Indeed, Open Source is used today to surveil and even oppress them.

All these problems are already solved by free software. the rebranding of "open source" was a compromise on the principles of free software to make the movement palatable to profit-seekers. In the end, it predictably failed to improve anything. The solution isn't to reinvent the wheel, it's to stop making the wheel square because the square lobby insists they'll only use it if it's square. The solution is copyleft, and free software being used more than it's defanged cousin.

The common person doesn't know about Open Source, they don't know about the freedoms we promote which are increasingly in their interest

That's a feature, not a bug. On one hand, if people knew about free software they wouldn't be as good consumers. On the other hand, internals should be opaque to users; just as devs don't want to have to know how the logic gates in the CPU are routing their code to write code, end users shouldn't have to worry about the politics of the communities that developed their code.

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 year ago

So did the AI give the girls disproportionate adult bodies, or is there the implication that some of its training data involved nude children?

[-] BaumGeist@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago

I love how much of a kamikaze this is: "yeah that thing LISP does terribly? Non-LISP languages do it too!"

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