could just be the angle. If you look at it head on I'd wager it's straight
As someone else mentioned, the microtransactions existing put it in a bad light to start
My main issue however is just how UTTERLY UNPLAYABLE it was for most people's systems on launch. The number of crashes and performance issues rivaled that of even Cyberpunk, and I still regularly play Cyberpunk. it was a complete and total disaster for many many people, and while it's likely fixed by now it was such a struggle and headache to get through that I'll likely never finish it.
Damn. I hope they just keep chugging along despite this, the game has improved massively since early access and it's very good.
It's N-protect game guard. But if you say that in a headline, normies don't know wtf you're talking about.
I wanted to use Kvaesitso but f-droid has it listed for having proprietary components or depending on proprietary services or something so I got scared. Anyone have any insight as to what that's about?
Also, another K-9 user :3
I enjoyed megas far more than dynamaxing, so glad they're bringing it back somehow!
Hey look, I found another one!
It literally says verbatim: "please do not lean or hang on the handrail"
LEAN or HANG. Not saying the guy isn't doing that, but it says nothing about just grabbing it? You can grab it just fine.
You are correct for open source projects with only a few maintainers... But with a project as big as linux, there are SO many people with that "formal education" (which doesnt really even need to be formal) that the amount of eyes on the codebase DOES benefit the normies who dont look at it.
If this was a real offer i'd actually come to Germany.
Well I'm sorry I... don't know what to tell you. I'm not Hacksmith Industries!
port fwd support was unfortunately removed due to abuse