Also based in the EU, and mine were turned on
Yep, it's close to 4% of the total. Not really "almost as much".
I've heard that roguelites have progression between runs, which makes successive runs easier, while roguelikes usually don't?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen drone?
Well, the two elderly ladies that were released said that they were treated very humanely.
Don't know if that goes for all the hostages, but it paints another picture than your assumptions.
ReVanced is also a great alternative for Android.
Giving Republicans lifelines every single time is how they have learned that they can behave this way. If they keep doing it it will only get even worse. Why is it that the onus is always on Democrats to compromise/fix things, and not the Republicans?
Right now it's an internal gang conflict that has escalated to killing relatives, and at least one mom. It's become brutal enough to happen in the open streets in some cases, and there's been a few unrelated innocents caught in the cross fire as well. The split seems to partly be over the use of younger and younger kids for the deeds, and the escalating brutality.
The gang in question is the Foxtrot Network led by Rawa Majid, who is funnily enough hiding in Turkey and has apparently had help by a high up turkey police official.
That's the very quick version, but there should be quite a bit of info if you google "Rawa Majid Foxtrot".
I don't think it's that black and white, since he apparently has sold stock steadily through out the year (and hasn't bought any at all).
Notepad++ can't handle as big files for some reason. At work we have files that can reach 5-600 MB, and NP++ can't always open those, but notepad handles then with no problem.
Dude! Could we not post spoilers please??
Counterpoint, it's only been two weeks 🙃