Not really related, but I believe this is the first time I've seen an emoji as a link 🤯
Found that site at around chapter 30 or so. It's a damn good (and horrifying) read.
It was out yesterday because Bing had problems. So all search engines based on Bing were down.
The section Methods on the Cambridge Analytica wiki page explains it pretty well. While it's not proven to be able to directly influence voting, it's effective at swaying people's opinions and emotions about subjects.
Jesus. That sounds eerily like my experience. Heard scracthes in the attic and thought it was mice. Woke up one morning with a dead wasp in the bed and having been stung. Thought nothing of it. Woke up a few days later with two dead wasps in the bed and having been stung. Huh, that's weird. Then when I woke up one morning I saw a wasp crawl between the planks in the ceiling. Called exterminators and they sprayed the attic. The wasps had built their nest in the isolation and had chewed through it down to the planks... The next week I had hundreds of dead (and a few alive) bees in the room every day and I had to sleep on the sofa..
Yeah. Kinda. Sometimes if you press slightly in the wrong place you get the cursor instead, which can easily lead to misclicks. But it's definitely playable! A mobile port would be really dope though
Doesn't the publisher of the game have to approve for a game to be put on GeForce Now?
Nope! It's probably the only cloud service that lets you use Steam/Epic/whatever.
Radicalizing the nation, sure, but I'd say thay packing the court was more on ~~Mitch McTurtle~~ Moscow Mitch. And an equally big problem seems to be all the positions they managed to snag in local elections. That one will also take a while to fix...
Detectorists! The thing they use are the detectors. God such a brilliant bit of TV.
Where's the love for VBScript?!
Are there any good communities for staying up to date with the war?
It left?