If they both seem interested you could use 2 boxes and throw a toy, ball, or crumpled piece of paper into each box. Cats being cats, they may still just take turns watching each other, but you could get some side by side play.
I have friends who published before being married, so now professionally still use their own last name (for continuity) but socially will go by their husband’s last name.
Why do I feel like they complained when people didn’t “speak American” in the States
sleepy floof, love it
All very valid points and part of why American health insurance is such a joke
I had an incident recently where my spouse had to go to the ER because of a life threatening incident. One of those fix it right now or they might die things. (They’re fine now, thank goodness.)
We went to an in-network hospital and all doctors were also in-network. However the one who actually did the life-saving procedure was a specialist. Under our insurance plan seeing a specialist requires a referral, which of course we didn’t have time to get. So insurance tried to nope out of that doctor’s entire bill.
My kid is devouring the wings of fire series.
For me I’d say the Children of Man series by Elizabeth C. Mock. I hadn’t read Wheel of Time before starting Children of Man. Now that I have I see a lot of Wheel of Time influence, so in that genre Children of Man isn’t really groundbreaking.
That said though, I still really enjoy the characters and the story, and am anxiously waiting for the release of the 4th (and final) book.
Find out if your local county or municipality has a required timeframe. By us it’s every 3 years.
As far as how to tell in the short term, is there a tank between your house and the drain field that you can access (has maybe a round metal or concrete cover or a plastic riser with lid)? If so, lift the lid and see if you can see the top of the pipe going in the direction of the drain field. If so it’s likely draining fine. If the liquid is near the top of the tank and you can’t see a pipe, you’ll want to get someone to look at it sooner rather than later.
They’re multiplying!
Also how debugging got its name, because bugs would get into the vacuum tubes
Edit: I did some digging and found what’s claimed to be the actual “de-bugging”. Turns out it wasn’t as widespread as my memory made it out to be.
Sounds like your clocks aren’t set to cat time. Better check if they’re on the right time zone or if they need new batteries.
I almost spit out my tea when I read this
I have to boop that blep. Rudy I beg forgiveness