[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 1 month ago

Yes I was depressed but that depression was because I looked around me and saw people succeeding where for me even the simplest tasks felt like trying to drag myself through a pile of broken glass.

This should be an official question on the ADHD screening because this explains how I feel exactly.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 1 month ago

I would absolutely squeeze in there. And my cat would be annoyed but not enough to move, so we’d sit there like an old couple who show they love each other by constantly bickering.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 1 month ago

Several years ago we lost power for 4 days after an especially bad storm. We don’t have good enough cell service at our house to usually use data or run a hotspot. Mostly it’s like camping except we get to sleep in our beds.

Prepare: We keep filled water jugs for both drinking and flushing the toilets.

We have a small generator to run our fridge, so once a month we run it for about 10 minutes. We keep gas and spark plugs for it handy.

We have a weather radio that’s solar powered with battery back-up.

We have a solar-charging battery bank (to charge our phones) as well as lanterns and flashlights that use AA batteries and a stash of extra AA batteries. Winter here can be quite cloudy, making solar lights harder to use sometimes.

We have a camping stove and extra fuel, as well as some easy to prepare foods. We use the food when we go camping and get new ones to store for emergencies, making sure the food doesn’t expire. We cooked outside (it was summer but even in winter I would do the cooking outside).

For winter we have a kerosene heater and extra fuel and wicks.

Entertainment: I would guess you’re especially asking about evenings, as during the day when our power was out we’d go outside if the weather was nice. In the evenings we played board games and card games, did puzzles and crosswords, did art (drawing, coloring, and painting), did crafts, and read.

If we know ahead of time bad weather’s coming, I’ll download some shows and movies to my tablet. We also have a DVD player to connect to my laptop while the battery lasts.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 2 months ago

Nor can I find where I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 3 months ago

Shows from my youth I’ve watched with my kid: The Muppets Full House Animaniacs

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 5 months ago

That assumes the buildings can handle them. A company I used to work for was planning to put solar on pretty much all of their buildings. Until they found out most of their buildings couldn’t handle the weight without significant (expensive) reinforcing. Many of their installations ended up on the ground instead.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 9 months ago

We do not for 2 reasons:

  1. Like others have already said, orange cat + flame = chaos
  2. Artificial fragrances give me headaches. However essential oils can be toxic to cats so I don’t feel safe burning those kind of candles either. Maybe I’m being too cautious but I never really burned candles much before anyway.
[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 9 months ago

Good. Less fighting and more head scritches.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 10 months ago

Mais qu’est-ce que c’est?

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 11 months ago

That would be amazing. We’ve been fairly lucky so far - up until now it’s just been reading (which she loves to do) and spelling words to practice (which she usually gets through in about 5 minutes). This year it’s still usually just those, plus the occasional work that she didn’t finish during class.

But last week she was sick 3 days so we’ve been trying to slog through a pile of makeup work and I realized we may need some more tools in our homework box before she gets to middle school.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 11 months ago

would be a better description of rabbit eyes

Not when you’re on the receiving end of some side-eye for not sharing your snacks

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 11 months ago

Watch a hummingbird nest in California - they have babies rn!

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