I was thinking the same thing - it'd be nice if they could just keep doing what they're doing now since it's great, but who knows, maybe this will lead to some other great films that otherwise never would have been made. If they can maintain their quality in the big budget space, there's a relatively unfilled niche for popcorn flicks made with care and artistry.

Off the top of my head, Mad Max: Fury Road fits the description of 'big budget, action, based on existing IP' and I don't think anyone would wish that hadn't been made.

Maybe they will start producing garbage; it's entirely possible. I'd rather have a little optimism and wait to hate until it actually happens though. It'd be awesome to see what passionate and talented filmmakers like the Daniels would do with both a big budget and the creative freedom A24 has historically offered.

I'm surprised there aren't more distros that come packaged with it. If someone's used a graphical text editor in the past decade, then they know how to use micro. The only distro I know of that has it by default is Garuda.

I would characterize Michael more by his self-righteousness and ego-driven attempts to be good than his actual goodness; so many of the show's hijinks stem from his savior complex bringing out the hypocrisy in his attempts to be 'a good guy'.

To be clear I think it adds to the humor, not complaining at all. Horrible people being horrible makes great comedy and Arrested Development offers far more than just that (probably my favorite comedy show). But it can get kinda depressing, if I'm not in a great mood I can't take more than a couple episodes at a time.

I'd say I primarily use a calendar for seeing which day of the week is which calendar date. I typically don't have too much scheduled in the next ~two weeks at any time to keep in my head, in the form of day of the week now that I think about it. I usually use a calendar to check if there's anything further out than that and convert it to e.g. 'next thursday' to remember.

It sounds like you use a calendar much more than I do, I check mine once every couple weeks at most tbh. I might be the outlier here though, who knows.

I like this idea a lot! If/when you make a community for coordinating I'd love to be a part of it.

Fwiw it does have a 'Lite' edition that doesn't include any theming.

What a great idea! I hope this goes well, it seems like a great solution to the profitability problem of the Fediverse. I wish more sites and services used this model.

This ended up a bit longer than I intended, whoops. Most of your examples are more conceptually unique than most of these, but I figured it couldn't hurt to mention them since they all do something 'different' you might find interesting. I've really enjoyed all these games myself.

  • Perspective - Absolutely mind-blowing, this is the one that I think fits your question best. There's both walking around in a 3d environment and 2d platforming, but the platforming is based on your perspective. It's hard to describe, but it's free (college project), so go check it out!
  • Cortex Command - I wouldn't exactly call it experimental, but it's certainly unique. The selling point is the fully destructible particle-based 2d environment. It may be 20 year old abandonware, but there's a reason it still has an active fanbase working to improve it (check out the Cortex Command Community Project).
  • Antichamber - Reality-bending first person puzzler. It can be frustrating at times but it has some seriously mind-boggling challenges.
  • Little Inferno - You burn things. It's amazing.
  • Reassembly - Hard to describe, kinda like 2d space legos with some strategy elements? You build spaceship things and slowly amass your army, gathering resources and commanding your fleet. It's a bit sandboxy for my taste but I've never played another game with this unique mix of strategy and building. It's a lot of fun seeing the ships you create flying around independently, gathering resources, fighting enemies and even making more ships themselves.
  • Melody's Escape, Beat Hazard (1/2/3), Symphony - I'm a big fan of games that use music for generating levels, and these are my favorites. It's a small 'genre' but it's fascinating to me to see how different developers approach it. Melody's Escape is a rhythm game which is pretty unique among this 'genre', Beat Hazard has spectacular visuals and adds in progression (with varying degrees of success), and Symphony is pretty similar to Beat Hazard in basic conception but executes things differently at every level.
  • Sanctum 2 - Combination tower defense + FPS. The unique thing about this is less the idea and more how well it's executed. A ton of fun with friends.
  • Yoku's Island Express - Pinball metroidvania-lite. What can I say, they make it work.
  • The Beginner's Guide - A linear story / adventure game sort of thing. The setup is essentially about exploring different short games made by someone who committed suicide. It's slow and sad, but has a unique concept that it executes well. It has a couple of twists that really make the game.
  • Shelter 1 & 2, Meadow - Shelter 1 is a linear adventure game where you play as a badger mother caring for her pups. Shelter 2 is a nonlinear survival game where you play as a lynx mother caring for her... kits? Then Meadow is a sandbox social MMO in the same universe, with little goal aside from just interacting with other players; but there's no text chat, only a limited set of emotes and some actions you can do. This is a great little family of games, each being an entirely distinct and unforgettable experience.
  • The Messenger - Starts out as a linear 8-bit-styled action platformer that (spoilers) turns into a 16-bit-styled metroidvania. Conceptually that's all that really makes it unique but it's done well, lots of fun.

Recently I've been exploring flash games again. I played them a lot as a kid, but in revisiting them I'm blown away at how unique and interesting so many of them are. Here are a few of the more unique ones you might enjoy, you'll have to use something like Flashpoint to play them:

  • This Is The Only Level - There's one level, but the mechanics change each time you complete it. Super fun.
  • Demons Took My Daughter - A combination 2d platformer and tower defense (complete with mazing). It's worth checking out all of the developer Nerdook's games, he has a habit of mixing genres in completely new ways.
  • This is not a minimalist game - A short adventure game, nothing groundbreaking but has some interesting ideas.
  • The Day - This is a weird one, kind of hard to describe without spoiling it but it's like <20 minutes to beat, mostly just a walking simulator sort of thing. The game's dev, Gregory Weir, has a lot of experimental games, if you like this one you'll probably like more.
  • Sugar, Sugar - A really unique puzzle game, its basic idea is simple but it makes the most of it. Another dev to check out more from.

Social media's whole thing is the social aspect - if a community and/or its users are entrenched somewhere, they're not likely to move because a minority has issues with the platform. It's not unreasonable to want people to move away from Facebook/etc., but it's not really true to say that's a choice everyone has, if friends, family, and the communities or activities someone wants to engage with are there; if the options are communicating with loved ones on an 'unethical' platform or not communicating with them at all, it's unreasonable and unfair to expect everyone to choose the latter.

I prefer TV series as a medium; I have trouble sitting through a whole movie, and I think the way series have 'chapters' like a book is really helpful for a lot of stories. There's also just a lot more detail you can put in a long show.

All that being said, I'm so sick of series that don't go anywhere, or get cancelled prematurely. Other than miniseries like Queen's Gambit it seems like so many just sort of wander off into mediocrity after some seasons. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Outer Range (soon)... Now I wait for series to end before picking them up, at least in the case of plot-heavy shows like those. There's less of an issue for comedies and other types of shows where the story isn't the main draw, so that's the sort of TV I end up watching the most.

I don't know about others' experiences, but I've been completely stuck on problems I only figured out how to solve with chatGPT. It's very forgiving when I don't know the name of something I'm trying to do or don't know how to phrase it well, so even if the actual answer is wrong it gives me somewhere to start and clues me in to the terminology to use.

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