[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 26 points 1 year ago

Unsurprisingly, a rising feminist subculture among women. Because Korea in general has been historically misogynistic, exposure to more feminist media and culture as well as societal progression has led to rises in feminism among women. As a response, men have felt threatened, and claim feminists are "going too far," and call feminists "femi."

An example of recent incel "controversy" is when an idol character in a video game had a frame where her index finger and thumb appeared like this: 🤏 and incels took that to be offensive to Korean Penis size, and had the man who animated that fired from Nexien. I wish I was joking.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 28 points 1 year ago

There's also a massive and rising anti-feminist incel subculture, which the current President Yoon took power from. Women in South Korea don't trust men in South Korea as much.

Insane work culture, huge wealth inequality, and rising anti-women movements all hurt birth rates.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 23 points 1 year ago

What a dashing monke

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 25 points 1 year ago

There are legitimately people here arguing that just because you don't understand the language, you probably aren't a fascist for liking clearly fascist music that you have to work hard to find, especially if you don't natively speak the language.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 23 points 1 year ago

You have to intentionally level up, you know that right? It's not like you auto-level, you can beat the game at level 1.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 38 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wrong on several fronts.

Socialism means workers collectively own the means of production, and it isn't synonymous with central planning. Concepts like ParEcon, Worker Councils, Mutual Aid, and so forth reinforce this decentralized structure.

Capitalism is similarly not a system of decentralization but of many centralized islands. Each individual capitalist entity is very centralized in structure, more so than a system of Socialist entities, such as Syndicalism or Market Socialism.

FOSS itself rejects the profit motive and markets, and therefore is the antithesis of capitalism. Capitalism relies on private ownership, the profit motive, and IP protections, all of which FOSS abolishes.

Truthfully, the fact that you don't want some CEO or bureaucrat deciding what gets produced unilaterally is precisely why your views are actually that of a leftist. You desire more democratization of production, a Socialist ideal to the core!

The fact that FOSS is based on non-profit decentralization is the very reason FOSS communities are dominated by leftists.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 26 points 1 year ago

The same way, generally. Work on decentralized, open source software. It's modern Mutual Aid.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 26 points 1 year ago

Starfield frustrates me, because in many ways its a major step in the right direction. It has much better roleplaying mechanics than Skyrim or Fallout 4, but at the same time the lore is half-baked and the skill system is fairly weak. It has great potential, but a lot of it feels toned down and less "real" because of it. Space exploration has a lot of potential as well, but setting every objective so far apart on planets ruins exploration by filling it with monotonous procgen.

That's why I'm fairly confident that once properly patched, and mods/DLCs are in full swing, it will probably be remembered very fondly despite the release state. It'll pull a Cyberpunk.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 25 points 1 year ago

The centrists are much happier than the leftists with Biden, I've seen more voter apathy among leftists who are tired of voting for center-right candidates while right wing extremists get to vote for fascists that openly support them.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 23 points 1 year ago

Same as usual. Vote for the least harmful candidates while advocating for actual grassroots improvements, because voting harder won't move America to the left, ever.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 36 points 1 year ago

That's incorrect.

Socialism is Worker Ownership of the Means of Production. There sre many, many forms, such as Anarcho-Syndicalism, Marxism-Leninism, Democratic Socialism, Market Socialism, Libertarian Socialism, Anarcho-Communism, Council Communism, Left Communism, and more.

Communism is a more specific form of Socialism, by which you have achieved a Stateless, Classless, moneyless society. Many Communist ideologies are transitional towards Communism, such as the USSR's Marxism-Leninism or China's Dengism and Maoism.

Whether by reform or Revolution, the form doesn't change.

[-] Cowbee@lemm.ee 27 points 1 year ago

The worst is the ever-shortening of content into an addictive format. It reduces mental clarity.

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