[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 52 points 4 months ago

Honestly, just Googling (or DuckDuckGo-ing) things. I tend to be the "tech person" that people ask about their computer problems quite often, and 9/10 times I just copy-paste the error code into the search bar and it tells me what to do. I'm not secret about it either, I'm like you can literally just Google it and it'll usually work. But people still seem to think it's magic lol.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 56 points 6 months ago

The Long Dark came out in 2017 and the story mode still isn't finished yet, so I dunno if they're the ones to be pontificating about being slow with the content lol.

I mean it's a great game, but yeah it's been a minute.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 51 points 6 months ago

Non-American here!

I've visited America a bunch of times and I really like it as a place, they have amazing scenery pretty much everywhere you look, and just about every individual American I've met has been really nice.


I'd never want to live there. Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is) and politically as a nation they're pretty bonkers. Guns, religion, general sort of global belligerence etc.

Also as an aside, San Francisco is genuinely one of the strangest places I've ever been to. I dunno if I was just there at a weird time, but it seemed like every single person there was either a millionaire or homeless. Absolutely nothing in between.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 58 points 1 year ago

Nothing TBH. I find Windows too stressful, Macs are too boring, and I can't use TempleOS because I don't have schizophrenia.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 54 points 1 year ago

I haven't trusted Kaspersky for a long time, ever since I read this interview.

If you had the power to change up to three things in the world today that are related to IT security, what would they be?

Internet design--that's enough.

That's it? What's wrong with the design of the Internet?

There's anonymity. Everyone should and must have an identification, or Internet passport. The Internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the U.S. military. That was just a limited group of people--hundreds, or maybe thousands. Then it was introduced to the public and it was wrong…to introduce it in the same way.

I'd like to change the design of the Internet by introducing regulation--Internet passports, Internet police and international agreement--about following Internet standards. And if some countries don't agree with or don't pay attention to the agreement, just cut them off.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 56 points 1 year ago

As does being warned of technological oligarchs monopolizing AI by someone who works for fucking Meta.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 51 points 1 year ago

This one too:

Linux desktop will, most likely, fail for:

People that just installed a password manager (KeePassXC) and a browser (Firefox/Ungoogled) via flatpak only to find out that the KeePassXC app can’t communicate with the browser extension because people are “beating around the bush” on GitHub instead of fixing the issue;

Desktop Linux is a failure because this one specific thing doesn't work right now in only the Flatpak version of this one specific application. Good thing every Windows app has 100% functionality and works perfectly as soon as it's released lol.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 54 points 1 year ago

For me, one of the most poignant things of recent years was seeing all the news stories during the COVID lockdown of how quickly nature started to bounce back without any humans around, and then just watching it instantly vanish again and it seems like hardly anyone even remembers it now. We certainly learned nothing from it, and IMO it does make it a bit difficult to avoid the uncomfortable conclusion that nature is probably a lot better off without us in it.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 57 points 1 year ago

Perhaps they could pay a small fee to not receive them.

Or purchase the Happy Customer Times Season Pass, where for 12 months they only receive feedback telling them how awesome they're doing. Only $39.99 per employee!

*fees are liable to change at any time without notice, new prices may be applied retroactively

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 57 points 1 year ago

It's always fun for revenge stories too!

I had one game in I think Civ V where Dido was just being an asshole to me the entire game, and in the sort of mid-late game she did her big move and invaded. I lost maybe 3 cities, then the defenses started to hold and I pushed back. Took my cities back and then just kept going, and absolutely refused all offers on peace (which were becoming increasingly elaborate.) Even when every other civilization started denouncing me as a warmonger even though I didn't start it, I kept going. Eventually got her down to two cities. I took the one closest to me, renamed it to Fart City, then offered it back to her in exchange for peace which she gladly took.

Then I waited a few turns until it had cooled off, then declared war on her again. This time I took the city on the other side, leaving her with Fart City and about three workable tiles, completely surrounded within my territory. I stayed at war for the entire rest of the game, with troops completely surrounding her. Every time she built an improvement I instantly pillaged it, ever worker was instantly captured, every troop immediately blasted. She just got to live out the next thousand years or so in squalor in Fart City, while every other country denounced me for my crimes lol.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 51 points 1 year ago

The former president of America is selling merch of his own mugshot for a RICO felony racketeering charge, for stuff he allegedly did while he was the sitting president. That is a thing that is actually happening right now.

By the time this is all resolved, we might even have and answer to the question: can a president lose an election, organize a coup to overturn that election, get legitimately re-elected in the next election, then pardon himself for sedition for the election he tried to overturn?

Like it's a long shot, but the fact that it's even remotely possible to watch that play out for real is fucking wild.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 52 points 1 year ago

Ah, so like nazis can pay for blue, get their shit at the top of the feed, and then Twitter can pretend that this is just a naturally popular opinion and nobody can prove that they're pushing nazi opinions for money?

It all makes sense now!

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