Yep and in order for these companies to grow they must continue to increase the volume of ads being shown, which only makes them less effective, which they try and counter by making them ever more invasive.
You people bake your sausages?
Same. I got one after a trip to Japan. Life changing.
Lived through peak TV... Why dOn'T x-FiLEs bE tV aS GoOD?
Australia. Here's a tidbit on the cherry ballart.
That had chattel slavery. Which suggests they didn't rely on a mechanised workforce.
I recently discovered:
- If Books Could Kill from Michael Hobbes (How the worst ideas spread through airport bestsellers)
- Failure To Launch from Fluid Podcasts (How brands fail)
- Lions Led By Donkeys (Military history failures)
I'd love to spend more time planting trees. I volunteer to do it occasionally on weekends but I really love the process of going from sprout to seedling to planted. I just wish I could do more of it.
A lot of their best writers moved to