Conservative 101, under fund, discredit, privatize.
They are a social cancer in every aspect that you can apply that analogy
Conservative 101, under fund, discredit, privatize.
They are a social cancer in every aspect that you can apply that analogy
2728604 checking in, man i miss those days
The nextcloud client has the option to setup the folder as a virtual folder. this wouldn't sync the files locally but would download them on first access, kind of like how OneDrive works. Would this not work for OP or did I miss read
Very much agree Steve is a godsend for topics like these but I don't 100% agree with is "re-assessment" of this in the next podcast where he thinks it was a good idea to have in place if controlled by Apple.
This podcast has a great break down and it worth listening too.
There is no way this was not intentional done by Apple.
I would love for them to give a description of communism and how that applies to this in there context.
Only thing required is this to be made explicitly illegal.
Oh, i never said I wasn't, just not as angry :)
I have a dim view of cons and the older I get the dimmer is gets.
I hear you, I'm not as angry at the con voters as I am at the people who didn't vote. It boggles my mind that you give up your chance to make your voice heard.
Conservatives, a literal social cancer.
The planet will be fine, this is a slight fever in the grand scheme of things. Us on the other hand, well...