@alyaza That's not surprising to me. At this point I can only believe in privacy if they made their app/software open source.
@ickplant Fun fact: derecho has many meanings in spanish. One of them is "straight". Not in the sense of sexual preference.
More like in the sense of follow directions.
Example: "Si usted camina derecho encontrará los baños".
Which translates as "If you walk straight, you'll see the restrooms".
Source: I'm a native spanish speaker.
That's probably why they call those storms derecho, because they go straight. Also it gives a justification to learn a new language.
joined 2 years ago
@Atemu This is why, for me, Firefox is unreplaceable on Android. Just the fact that's not Chromium + also supports extensions is what makes it superior.
I wish that it'll come pre-installed in phones instead of Chrome, so more people can give it a try. But is Android and Google would never allow that.