[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 9 points 9 months ago

or substituted its own SSH host keys,

why would the backdoor do that? It would immediately expose itself because every ssh client on the planet warns about changed host keys when connecting.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Similarly moving on to a decent issue tracker, Jira’s support for Epic’s/stories/tasks/capabilities and its linking ability is a huge simplifier for long term planning.

Modern ticket system or issue tracker? Yes, absolutely. But Jira? Certainly not, considering Atlassian's business practices. A project like Linux deserves a system where they can maintain some control and it probably should be open source.

Yeah email is ancient and certainly terrible from a usability perspective if you're an outsider to the workflows, but at least it can't be shut off or taken away on a whim. Also it's universal and therefore accessible.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago

There's an interesting blog post on this subject (likely someone posted it already): https://dkb.blog/p/google-search-is-dying

I find it to be very agreeable. Search is dying and I don't agree that appending "site:reddit.com" is any kind of permanent solution, just a workaround that will also break.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My work has a 100% mandatory vpn and mitm proxy for ssl scanning

These are worse than useless. They are anti safety. If this box or its private keys get compromised ALL tls traffic of all employees is immediately plaintext.

Any company that buys one of these appliances from mcafee or whatever is asking for it (losing most/all their secrets)

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago

Tbf Afghanistan defeated a much stronger Russia back in the 80s.

Those were pretty much the Taliban though. No one doubts the will to fight of the Taliban.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

ohh boy, I almost forgot about that. That was super painful. It's a website linus, not a file browser.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum Deutschland nicht bereits vorhandene Konzepte aus anderen Ländern übernimmt und / oder anpasst. Hier in Schweden ist beispielsweise BankID standard.

Das ist ein reines Ego Problem, das ich genauso auch im Unternehmensalltag sehe. Statt eine Lösung, welche prbolemlos funktioniert, einer anderen Abteilung zu übernehmen und den eigenen verkorksten Ansatz zu vergessen, muss man demonstrieren dass man auch schon selber groß ist und den blöden input anerer nicht nötig hat. Leider denken viele das wäre ein Zeichen von Intelligenz und Selbstvertrauen statt purer Dummheit.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There are tools that are being used to attempt to detect if a piece of work is AI-generated. If those tools say something was, it’s then on you to prove that you hand-created it.

They don't work. It's total bunk.

Even some artists are already having issues because things “look” AI-generated.

Exactly. See above. No one can (confidently) tell which is which. There's just educated guessing.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Right now, AI-generated works aren’t copyrightable. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/ai-generator-art-text-us-copyright-policy-1234661683/ This means you can not copyright the works produced by AI.


So right now, common AI is producing works that are potentially copyright-infringing works and are unable to be copyrighted themselves.

This kind of judgement is pure symbolic politics, because it's completely unenforceable and I'm confused why you didn't mention it. No one can prove if a piece of art is AI made and no one has to admit it. So yes, AI art can be copyrighted, just not officially as AI art, but it certainly will be and likely already is as long as there's a human 'stand in'.

There's a huge gulf of difference between a matter of fact and a matter of law.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

These conversion & deconversion stories always go the same way:

"I'm an impressionable fuckwit who immediately gets on the first ride that looks appealing. But soon I realized I wanted to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride, because it looked much cooler than it actually was. Whew what a relief when I got off. Let me tell you about my current ride, which is much better, the most important ride of the world and you should definitely get on it too. Everyone who doesn't get on THIS ride (which is definitely the correct one to be on) is evil and dooming humanity!

I'm a reformed person."

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

und so beginnt es…ich sehe düstere Zeiten auf uns zukommen.

Ich würde ja gerne mal verstehen wieso gerade jetzt die AfD auf so einem hoch ist. In meinen Augen müssten sie auf dem absoluten Tiefpunkt sein. Insbesondere, wenn man bedenkt, dass sich alles, für was so eine Partei steht ("wenn wir Impfen werden wir alle störben", "Putin ist ein cooler Tüp", "Brexit = tolle Idee für die Wirtschaft, applaus UK"), als absoluter Bullshit entpuppt.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 7 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

For context, LDAC is one of the few wireless audio codecs stamped Hi-Res by the Japan Audio Society and its encoder is open source since Android 8

LDAC is great, but simply stating that the encoder is "open source" is quite misleading (while technically correct). The codec is owned by Sony and heavily licensed. It's a savvy business move of Sony to make the encoder free to use though, so everyone else can support their standard while charging manufacturers who want to integrate it into their headphones.

If we want a really free and open high quality codec, we should push for opus support via bluetooth

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