[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

or maybe western society as a whole got shittier and people are dumber

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Maybe i don't know enough about Bierzelt culture. If they were singing Hölle, hölle, hölle or Atemlos, would you notice the (right) arm in the air?

Did we watch the same video? In the Twitter thread I saw the lady right in front was doing multiple Nazi salutes in a row, very excited about the song. Don't think there's any ambiguity what she was doing

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Do you really think OpenRC or runit or any of the other init systems people are using have any similarity to SysV init?

Yes? OpenRC is certainly much closer to sysvinit than systemd and in many ways just expands upon it.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'd recommend sway and waybar. Waybar offers some cool customizable templates. Currently I also use bemenu as a launcher and dunst/poweralertd for notifications. I make heavy use of stacked or tabbed layout during general use.

sway has pretty decent mouse support, but for optimal productivity try to get used to the keyboard shortcuts. As soon as moving/resizing windows and changing desktops becomes muscle memory it's a whole different ball game.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

It seems like that design is made with the idea of removing the screen from the controller, which isn’t bad

Yes, but what's the point? What's going to power the screen once it's out? Pixie dust? What's going to drive the display? Whoever made this is unaware that a tablet is more than just a screen?

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Since when does Denuvo block mods?

The whole point of Denuvo (and any DRM in games) is to prevent modifying the running code. Unless there's some kind of official modding system, there will be no way to inject DLLs or do anything else invasive to the running game.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Gut, vergleichen wir nicht direkt die Anzahl, nur mal so gefühlt die Brandlast, objektive Zahlen hab ich nicht: Verbrenner brennen 60x so oft wie Elektro. Hybride sogar nochmal mehr als verdoppelt. Ist die Brandlast eines E-Autos höher als das von 60 Verbrennern, oder 140 Hybride?

Die Energiedichte von Diesel oder Benzin ist ja meines Wissens noch deutlich höher als die von Akkus, daher kann ich mir eigentlich nicht vorstellen wie in einem E-Auto mehr Brandlast vorhanden sein soll.

E-Autos erreichen ja AFAIK überhaupt nur die Reichweite die sie schaffen, weil E-Motoren halt einigermaßen effizient im direkten Vergleich zu Verbrennern sind. Li-Ion Akkus sind von der Energiedichte aber lange nicht am Fossilen Brennstoff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density#/media/File:Energy_density.svg

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Das stimmt. Aber ich seh das noch als umstritten an ob die Kommentare wirklich hier stattfanden. Vielleicht hast du sie woanders gesehen?

Wenn sie tatsächlich aus Scham gelöscht wurden (wie peinlich!) gebe ich dir natürlich recht.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

schonmal drueber nachgedacht, dass, falls diese Kommentare existieren, sie einfach nur die Satire mitspielten? Wäre nicht das erste mal. Denn wenn kein "Der Postillon" oder "/s" drauff steht, verstehen leider viele Leute (vielleicht Leute wie du) Satire und Sarkasmus nicht.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

God bless the hackers, crackers, reverse engineers, and disrupters. Pray they help keep you free of too much pain.

That's delusional. As soon as more and more parts of software are run remotely on proprietary hard- & software there will be nothing to hack or crack. Sure, someone could reverse engineer it, but there aren't enough hobbyists in the world to rewrite all this software.

We see this more and more in gaming... it used to be the case that they just gave you the software to run your own game in multiplayer setups, nowadays, if they shut off the servers, the game is dead (unless, someone releases a very wonky, extremely buggy, barely usable, reverse engineered server with 10% of the features some time down the line)

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

the dude wrote a kernel, I very much doubt he needs to brag about his ability to write assembly.

[-] Deathcrow@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

HAHAHAA du bist ueberrascht dass plebbit power jannies kein leben haben und sich verzweifelt an die einzige Verantwortung und Macht klammern, die ihnen jemals irgendwie anvertraut wurde? Sie machen das umsonst!

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