[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 122 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's a far right conspiracy theory, that OP's trying to tie to legit criticism of the CIA's atrocities despite having nothing to do with each other-- all in order to try to hide the fact that it's literally part of the Great Replacement conspiracy.

Yeah, there's precisely zero chance this doesn't blow the fuck up in El Salvador's face in the long run. Not to mention it's horrific on every possible level.

Hope to god El Salvador manages to figure out a way to get rid of this guy, and fast. Otherwise they're in for a very bad few decades.

[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Because if everyone involved is quitting their jobs, they'll have no money with which to buy food. Which means they'll have to farm it themselves. And farming, even with top-of-the-line modern tech, is backbreaking fucking work. Also unpredictable as hell: bad harvests aren't uncommon, especially for novice farmers with no formal training like these guys would be.

In other words, one bad harvest, and everyone in the system you're proposing fucking dies. Yeah, there's a reason in the 1800s people were abandoning their family farms for the horrorshow of Victorian era-factories en masse: because even that hell was still preferable to farming.

[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Seriously, how is this bullshit defending fascist traitors who attempted a coup getting upvotes?

Half Life 4: The Search for Half Life 3

[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If this is actually Half Life 3... it kinda makes sense they waited for all the hype to die down, for it to fall out of meme culture, before releasing it. Even five years ago, the expectations for this game were astronomical. There was absolutely no way a game made by mere mortals could ever live up to that kind of hype. Now, people have chilled to the point they can actually appreciate Half Life 3 on its own merits.

Which is a long-winded way to say my bet is Half Life 3's been done for at least 5 years now. Valve's just waiting on the right moment to pull the trigger.

A lot of those 17 are dictatorships, where the elites are unsurprisingly big fans of Russia / Wagner helping them prop up their regimes. Actual normal people in those countries tend to be significantly more anti-Russia.

There's nothing moderate about Kennedy, he's a full-blown MAGA far-righter. Which is why he's being laughed out of the Democratic primary, thank God.

[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm sorry if I came off as confrontational or insulting, that couldn't have been further from my intentions. Absolutely did not mean to start any kind of drama / flame war, just sharing my opinion in what I thought was a friendly way. Hope you're having a lovely day, wherever in the world you may be! :)

[-] DreamerOfImprobableDreams@kbin.social 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Putin did it because he's an abusive dickwad who thinks it's his god-given right to control Ukraine. That's it. That's the entire explanation.

People keep trying to rationalize his actions, come up with some more respectable reason, because there's no way this much death and suffering could be happening because one guy is an entitled, controlling piece of shit, right?

But in reality, that's how fascism always works. It's always been how it works. Why'd the Nazis invade Europe? Because they were entitled, controlling pieces of shit. Why'd the Soviet Union refuse to let the countries they liberated after WWII go? Because they were entitled, controlling pieces of shit. Why does China want to annex Taiwan? Because Xi's an entitled, controlling piece of shit.

Simple. The defense minister tells the president they’re buying a new $60k drone, then he calls up one of his generals, orders him to but a new drone, and he had $40k to do it. The general calls his colonel and tells him he had $30k to buy a drone. The colonel calls a captian and tells him he has $20k to buy a new drone…

By the time the procurement officer actually buys the damn thing, he has a budget of $100. So, of course, he buys the finest drone on the market $50 can buy.

Did people's parents not teach them about putting things on the internet they didn't want shared?

They used to, then social media became a thing and they stopped. Suddenly, it was normal to put your entire life up online for other people to see, and if you didn't feel comfortable doing that you were the weird one.

My rule is, never post anything you wouldn't mind the media tracing back to you IRL and then making the top story of the day in your country. Because, while rare, that does occasionally happen!

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