From my experience working for mobile carrier (not USA), I would recommend to contact your carrier to know if they support VoLTE for all capable devices or only for specific brands.
Never liked it on pc, but I have it on phone and love the ability to have 2 dirs open at the same time.
I have old backup from swift. I tried uninstalling magisk but nothing chanchged.
It probably happened when I was messing with SSDs. I wanted a smaller one to be root and a bigger one as home.
Edit: Kind of happy that i managed to break something and fix it.
I managed to find a problem and fix it. The problem was that /etc/kernel/cmd had the wrong UUID. Thanks for giving advice about initrd and bootloader reconfiguring, might not have found a solution without it.
I think I found what changes root UUID. When I used dracut-rebuild all entrie UUIDs changed to the wrong one. Now I have to find how to stop that.
I used gparted, blkid, checked fstab and by-uuid dir and no partition or drive had that UUID.
Will have a look.
I used arch-chroot. I mounted efi to efi dir with mount and used mount -o subvol=@subvolname to sub vol dir. Just incase i will reinstall nvidia drivers when booted normally. I will read about initrd. Thanks for all the info.
I have systemd-boot.
~~[You are right. In systemd-boot entrie it is used for root uuid. I should replace it with my root uuid right?]~~
Edited entrie to my root uuid and it boots. Thanks for helping me.
We don't block capable devices, the problem is that not all VoLTE configurations work. Without testing device we can't know if it will work with our network and usually brands with biggest market share send their prototypes and try to fix what is possible from their side and we from our side.