You shouldn't hide. It's others that are wrong.
Give 2 millions bonus to that CEO!
Papara Linux
About fucking time. I'm just sick of the "news" about X. Hopefully it disappears for good.
That cat is so cute it looks like a plush.
I have already set up a proxy on my foreign VPS. National Court can suck my duck.
I understand that. Unfortunately, though, one has to expect always the worst from Corps, no matter how "good" they appear to be at the beginning.
I'd metaphorically masturbate to that happening.
Actually, I think I have misread it. My bad. I'm the one running out of caffeine, it seems.
The shitty forced "stories" did me question seriously this once wonderful app. If I'd want to look at crappy TikTok-like shorts from other people, I'd be on TikTok.
joined 2 years ago
Apple? LOL, the shit made into OS. I prefer Windows a million times. (I user Arch, BTW).