[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

let memory = self.neurons.dump();

while self.asleep {
    let scenario = load_real_scenario()



[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago

Ich stell's mir eben so vor, dass wenn der Feinstaub irgendwie nicht nach oben wegkommt, dass er sich dann oben zu einem gewissen Grad sammelt. Und dann ist alles, was darunter in die Luft gesprengt wird, sowohl über den direkten Weg hörbar, als auch über Reflektionen an der Feinstaubdecke, die wir sonst nicht hätten. Aber ja, kein Plan, ob das tatsächlich so zusammenhängt...

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 5 points 3 days ago

Aber wenn der Alien "Shhd" macht, dann müsste es doch leiser werden?

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 days ago

Hatte auch zuerst überlegt, jetzt um Mitternacht zumindest aus dem Fenster zu schauen, wenn schon alle ihr Geld in die Luft jagen. Aber der Lärm ist es absolut nicht wert...

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 days ago

Jo, die eigene Technik-Suppe: 10/10

Dass ständig irgendwelche Affen-Firmen mir ihre Schrott-Suppe aufzwängen wollen: -1/10

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 13 points 3 days ago

I'm genuinely wondering, if this is a situation where the open-source community just uses curl and that's why there's only corporate gunk for those who want more features. For example, curl obviously won't support Excel import, but folks in the open-source community are also very unlikely to want that...

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 14 points 4 days ago

I know, it's kind of the obvious advice, but I would recommend slowly incorporating more and more greens into your diet. I'm no nutritionist, but as I understand, when you just switch out your diet like that, some of your gut bacteria will get none or much less of the food that they need. Then they'll chat up your brain and tell it that it's now craving the food that you've cut out.

If you switch over slowly, your gut bacteria have time to adjust to the new diet and they don't need to make you crave things.

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 43 points 4 days ago

Emoji log levels: 🔍 ⚙️ ℹ️ ⚠️ 💥

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 15 points 4 days ago

Ich denke, Zaphod meint das genau anders herum. In einem guten veganen Restaurant bekommst du eben nicht nur Fleischimitat, sondern auch spannende neue Kreationen. In dem Gasthof hier ist es ja aber eben erstmal nur eine große Auswahl an Bierimitaten und keine neuen Kreationen. Könnte noch sein, dass sie irgendwelchen coolen Cocktails machen, aber ich denke, das wäre explizit erwähnt worden.

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 18 points 4 days ago

Well, forget for a moment everything you know about webpages and now you want a form where the user can create an account. The sales person tells you that the user has entered the data for us, so it just needs to be sent with a request to the backend, which always looks the same. And then it just needs to be put into a INSERT INTO, which also always looks the same.
All of that stuff can clearly be auto-generated by the framework. And 70% of the ~~boilerplate~~ code does exactly that, so that obviously means 70% of the workload of your devs disappears, which means you can get rid of 70% of your developers.

It just makes it really easy to scam people, when they don't know the technical side...

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 23 points 4 days ago

Als Nicht-Alkoholiker würde ich da aber auch viel lieber hingehen als in ein Wirtshaus mit Alkohol. (Zu) Viele Menschen auf Alkohol sind latent aggressiv oder anstrengend laut, oder man kann mit ihnen kaum ein Gespräch führen, weil sie einfach nicht mehr klar denken...

[-] Ephera@lemmy.ml 50 points 4 days ago

Honestly, it's ridiculous to me, how much bullshit you can get peddled, if you're ready to eat it. Like, absolutely fuck the guy for being proud of firing his workforce, but I cannot blame him for believing the bullshit. At this point, you can readily find scientific studies claiming that AI surpasses humans, and if you look into them, they're just using a bad test setup. Because well, guess what gets you into the news. It's certainly not "AI is only reliably applicable for certain niche use-cases and needs guidance from someone with real intelligence".

submitted 10 months ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemmy.world

Hi, the default Roboto font is boring me out of my mind and I'd like to change it.

In the past, I've done so by just replacing the font file in the OS, which worked well, but meant that it would reset after every OS update.
I'm considering scripting that with ADB to make it less of a pain, but figured I should ask, if there's a better way.

I'm on LineageOS which has a font styling system, but it only applies to the OS, not the user-installed apps...

submitted 2 years ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/politicalhumor@lemmy.ml

Screenshot from proletariat.com.

submitted 2 years ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/unixporn@lemmy.ml

From the release announcement: https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.25.0/

submitted 2 years ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml
shudders (lemmy.ml)
submitted 3 years ago by Ephera@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
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